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关于”慢跑的准备“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Preparation for jogging。以下是关于慢跑的准备的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Preparation for jogging

Last night, my parents told me a very exciting news that they would go to Guilin with me. I was very happy because my family had not been out together for a long time. I began to do some preparation because I knew my parents were very busy and they didn't have time to scan the details.

I searched the information, chose the useful one, looked at other people's experience, and I learned I opened my eyes to many famous scenic spots and delicious food I knew.




What are the benefits of jogging? Heat consumption in an hour. Easy to move status card (you weigh about pounds) can enhance muscle and muscle endurance: constant continuous jogging can enhance power and muscle endurance, and power and muscle endurance are our regular maintenance work and ability to deal with emergencies. Jogging is the best choice to improve cardiopulmonary function One: continuous jogging can increase the blood output of heart contraction, reduce the resting heart rate, lower blood pressure, increase the content of blood density lipoprotein cholesterol, and enhance the working ability of metabolism and detoxification of the body: Taking XXX often can speed up the metabolism of the body, slow down the aging speed of the body, and can make toxins and other substances in the body, so as to reduce the psychology through perspiration and urination Pressure: in a competitive environment, if there is no xenophobic tension, psychological and psychological pressure, it will always be in a disadvantageous state.

Moderate jogging will reduce the psychological burden, maintain a good physical and mental state, and improve the quality of life: health is the foundation of everything, and the first condition to improve the quality of life is to have a healthy body and regular jogging activities. The only appropriate course to promote health.




Jogging can exercise most of the muscles, and jogging can also play a role in weight loss. Jogging time should be moderate, to breathe evenly, to relax the body. I think the benefits of jogging are many people can not be suitable for jogging, jogging is also a kind of intense exercise, if it is weak, old, sick or obese, those who do not pay attention to running are easy, otherwise, not only can not bring about jogging Good, but also harm the body.




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