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关于”描写芒果“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Describe mango。以下是关于描写芒果的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe mango

Mango is often regarded as the king of fruit, it has a heaven like taste, people often think that it is everyone's favorite. The taste of mango is very charming. People prefer to eat any kind of fruit.

It's at the top of all kinds of fruit recipes. Mangoes are widely used in jams, salads, pickles, milkshakes and so on. Mangoes are very popular in summer.

You can buy a large number of mangoes at a cheaper price in summer. There are many kinds of mango. Each variety has its own flavor.

Mango belongs to mango family. It is composed of many varieties. Mango is mainly produced in India and grows in the tropical climate of India.

Mango has many uses. Therefore, it is also considered as a fruit. It is widely used in many products and is famous for its color.

The taste and fragrance of mango are also considered to be auspicious, so its leaves are used Decorate events like marriage. Every Indian marriage has mango leaves. Mango trees are meters high and their radius is about meters.

This tree has a long life and produces a lot of fruits. Some trees are famous for their age and they will also bear fruits. Even after many years, the roots are deeply buried in the soil, and their roots spread all over the soil to form a strong support.

Mango trees are evergreen. The color of leaves changes with their growth. The new leaves are orange, then red, and finally green The mango flowers are very small, they carry few petals and the fruit of the tree takes several months to mature.

The mango season is between May and July. The Indian people also regard it as a summer delicacy. People can buy juicy fruits in the market.

Various fruits are of different sizes. You can find a seed in the fruit, which is the hairy mango. Mango has a long history of cultivation, Famous in the Indian subcontinent and later in Asia, mango usually grows in a frost free climate and needs plenty of sunshine.

There are many varieties of mangoes. Dwarf and semi dwarf is a good variety, mainly used for decorative purposes. India is a leading producer of mangoes.

In fact, nearly half of the world's mangoes are grown in India. Mangoes are susceptible to many diseases, so it is necessary to take good care of these plants.






Evergreen large trees, dense leaves, branchlets, leathery, oblong, lanceolate, panicle terminal branches, flowers, pale yellow, big after tuberculosis, oblique ovoid, mature fruit yellow, not cold or warm, like light, the average temperature is below degrees, temperature drop growth is good, below degree growth is slow, the most appropriate range of annual rainfall is  The soil and soil depth are strict, the groundwater level is low, the soil is rich, the drainage is good, the mature osteoporosis and sandy soil are ideal, and the pH value is higher in loam soil, neutral and acid soil.


常绿大乔木叶密小枝,革质,长圆形,披针形,圆锥花序末梢分枝,花,淡黄色,结核后大,斜卵球形,成熟果黄色性,不冷不暖,喜光,平均气温在度以下,温度下降生长好,度以下生长缓慢,停止生长最适宜的年降雨量范围是 mm,对土壤和土壤深度要求严格,地下水位低、富、排水性好,熟化骨质疏松和砂壤土质地理想,在壤土和中性、酸性土壤中pH值较高。


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