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关于”参观紫禁城“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Visit the Forbidden City。以下是关于参观紫禁城的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Visit the Forbidden City

Today, I am very happy to show you the way. This is the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City. It is the largest and best preserved imperial palace in China under the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty.

The Forbidden City was built in and took several years to build. The first ruler who really lived here was the Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhu Di. It has been the residence of emperors of all ages until the Qing Dynasty Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate in UNESCO.

People think that the Forbidden City is a world cultural heritage. The Forbidden City is named after the astronomical folk custom. Ancient astronomers divided the constellations into several groups and centered on Ziwei garden.

The constellation containing the North Star is called the celestial constellation, and the star itself is called the Purple Palace. Because the emperor is considered to be the son of the God, his center and dominant position will be further emphasized in folklore. Before the ancient philosopher Lao Zi arrived at the hanghukou, someone saw a purple cloud drifting eastward, which was auspicious As a metaphor of events, purple represents the development of auspiciousness.

The word "Jin" (Prohibition) is self-evident, because the Forbidden City is heavily guarded and is forbidden area for ordinary people. The red and yellow on the walls and roofs of the palace also symbolize happiness. Auspicious, rich and noble, yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, which is the hometown of the Chinese people.





Last year, my friends and I visited the Great Wall during the May Day holiday. We had a good time. We took a lot of pictures.

We all know that the Great Wall is not only famous in China but also in the world. Every year, millions of people come to visit the Great Wall. We met some foreigners from the United States who were very friendly.

We took the initiative to introduce the Great Wall to them. I told them that the Great Wall is several kilometers long. There is a famous saying in China: "no one is a real person until he reaches the Great Wall".

Our words made them interested in this world miracle. I think China is famous for the Great Wall, and we are proud to be Chinese.




The city of fubiden is one of the most famous places of interest in China. It has a glorious history since the Ming Dynasty, and has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Last summer vacation, I was very happy to go in with my family from the front door to visit.

There were many palaces. The guide told us that almost all the rooms in the palace museum had different uses. The emperor could not leave the city because of him You can do anything in it, including work, study, play, sleep or travel around.

I'm really surprised that the workers can build it so well. Even though I don't remember the names of all the buildings today, I took hundreds of beautiful photos on the road. I don't think I will forget my trip in Beijing.

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