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关于”童年的渴望“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Childhood longing。以下是关于童年的渴望的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Childhood longing

Childhood I always dream of going back to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and most relaxed time in life. Children show you their true feelings.

They know more about compassion and tolerance than adults in their world. All real ideas come out. They can easily disagree with others, but they never understand hatred.

They like to make friends, but they never think about social networks. Every child is Speaking from the heart, there is no hidden evil plan, and never intrigues. Only by using the way of children can we make our life simple, real and happy.

I hope everyone's heart will be as naive and lovely as they were in their childhood. The gap between our hearts will be broken and the world will become better.




On a sunny afternoon, my friends and I were running around the yard. We were chasing, playing hide and seek, dancing and playing with the sun. We were skipping "Hey, ah, here we are".

With that harsh childish voice, we heard the voice of the building running downstairs to the partnership building, which took us to the first and second floors. There were stairs at the corner There is a window similar to a small balcony, there is a window, that is the bright color basin under the wall, smelling the fragrant chrysanthemum mountain, climbing several small partners to the top of the window to see what they can play, and some want to go to other places, such as others, I also want to climb up to see, they immediately climbed out, but I have tried my best to climb over, I slowly climbed down When I heard a chrysanthemum pressing my foot, my heart pounded. I thought, I should apologize for Mr.

Wu of the gardening father-in-law. To be honest, child, I was too nervous to admit it, so I forgot it as soon as possible. We went downstairs to play for a while.

I really wanted to let the time pass quickly. I really wanted to let Mr. Wu and his family not see the broken Hua, but what happened after all? He and his family went down the stairs and asked his partner, "do you know who's breaking flowers?" the partner pointed out that I seemed to have agreed in advance.

His family made a speech and said, "Xu, flowers are dark every day. It's hard to beautify the environment with sweat. You wasted several months of our efforts, my children." I stood there dumbfounded, and she was very sorry, I'm very ashamed.

I thought I made a mistake to correct them and be a child.




My weekend yesterday was my first holiday on the weekend. I miss my grandparents very much, so I go to their house to see me in the morning. I play in their house with my children.

I have a good time. But in the afternoon, I learned chemistry as I did today. My grandfather cooked his own lunch with delicious rice, a bowl of rice, some chicken and vegetables.

I like my grandparents' cooking time flies. It's time to say goodbye to my grandparents. In the afternoon, I go home with my parents, just like I have a weekend with my grandparents.

I'm looking forward to seeing you next weekend To them.




标签: 小学 英文 高分 作文

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