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关于”珍惜感恩理解“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Cherish gratitude and understanding。以下是关于珍惜感恩理解的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cherish gratitude and understanding

Take your time For thousands of years, animals have been walking a slow road, their soul and body are together. But our human transportation is too fast. The body moves but the soul is left behind.

We try to liberate ourselves in convenient circumstances, but we only imprison the soul. Because we invented the method of calculating time, we try our best to shorten the time and shorten the final period Now, we spend a lot of time in front of the TV just to change the channel. We have no time to chat with our good friends or play with our family.

We have enough time to search the old news on the Internet. In the end, we hardly consider our life. The only obvious thing is our loneliness.

Slowly, please try to follow the steps of nature, have your own clock, try to share your time, your thoughts, your happiness and sadness with the people you love. Try to understand the world we live in. Don't just glance at the society one day.

When we know how to spend every second of our life, we can live our own life.


慢慢来 几千年来,动物们走过的是一条缓慢的道路,它们的灵魂和身体一起,但我们人类的运输太快了,身体移动但灵魂却被抛在后面我们试图在方便的情况下解放自己,但我们只会囚禁灵魂,因为我们发明了计算时间的方法,所以我们尽一切努力缩短时间,缩短最后期限,但节省的时间不能缩短现在,我们花了很多时间呆在电视机前只是换频道,而我们没有时间和好朋友聊天,也没有时间和家人一起玩,我们有足够的时间在网上搜索旧新闻,而我们最后几乎不考虑我们的生活,唯一明显的是我们的孤独。慢慢来,请试着跟随自然的脚步,拥有自己的时钟试着与你爱的人分享你的时间,分享你的思想,你的快乐和悲伤试着读懂我们所生活的世界,不要只是在某一天匆匆瞥一眼这个社会,当我们知道如何度过生命中的每一秒,我们就可以过自己的生活了。


One day, Tom gets up at 6 o'clock every day. He has a delicious breakfast at 6:50, and then leaves school happily at 7:10. He has classes at 8 o'clock and leaves school at 9:30 p.m.

He goes to bed until tomorrow. Every day is Monday, a school day, breakfast, reading English, going to school, sports, going home to eat, eat, do housework and sleep.





Time does not wait for others. If time goes by, it will never come to us. We can't control our time, but we should know the importance of time, cherish time yesterday has become history, what we can't do to save it, tomorrow is not in our scope, we don't know what will happen tomorrow, so the only thing we can do is to cherish what we have Some have today and fight for tomorrow.

Victory belongs only to those who work hard. Therefore, we should make full use of today and strive for what we want.


时间不等人,如果时间流逝,它将永远不会来到我们身边我们不能掌控我们的时间,但我们应该知道时间的重要性,珍惜时间 昨天已经成为历史,我们不能做什么来拯救它明天不在我们的范围之内我们不知道明天会发生什么,所以我们唯一能做的就是珍惜我们所拥有的拥有今天,为明天而战,胜利只属于那些努力工作的人,因此,我们应该充分利用今天,为我们想要的而奋斗。


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