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关于”盲目减肥“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Blind weight loss。以下是关于盲目减肥的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Blind weight loss

Henry is a little fatter than he wants. He is a little worried that he decides to lose weight. He only eats a little food for breakfast and dinner and some fruit.

He doesn't eat too much sugar because he thinks it will make him fatter than eating only a little food. He keeps exercising every day. He often swims and runs every day.

After a period of time, he becomes stronger. Henry thinks he is a little fat. He wants to lose weight Eating only a little food and some fruit, he eats a little sugar every day, because he thinks it makes him fatter.

In addition to a little food, he exercises every day. He keeps swimming and running every day. Now he is stronger than before.




During the Spring Festival, I eat delicious food almost every day. So when I came back to school in the new semester, I gained a lot of weight. My body looked fatter.

All my classmates were surprised to see my huge body and round face. I finally realized that I had to lose weight. So I made a plan to start.

I had to eat less breakfast and dinner than before, and I drank cattle Milk, a piece of bread and an egg. I have a bowl of soup and some fruit for dinner. I don't eat sugar any more because it makes me fat.

In addition, I keep exercising every day. I go running after school or play basketball with my classmates on weekends. I often go swimming.

After a month's efforts, I have lost 5kg, but this is not enough. I still have to stick to my plan and reduce more weight to the appropriate number.





Obviously, the reform and opening up has made China's economy develop rapidly, and more and more people are rich. They can buy what they want. With the improvement of people's living standards, people begin to pursue materials.

They buy brands with money just to enjoy the feeling of spending money. When we listen to young people, we will find that they care about brands very much and they talk about them Cars, they know every brand of cars, judge people according to the price of girls, they like to make up, they talk about clothing brands, they like to compare each other in a way of comparing the price of clothes when people get rich, they want to buy the feeling of enjoyment with money, brand is the best way to show their status, so people will chase brands, but they always fall into Blind pursuit of the trap of brand, they can use money reasonably. Although there is a lot of money, people don't have to buy expensive things to show off themselves.

With less money, they can still buy things as good as the brand.




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