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关于”世界上最美的风景“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The most beautiful scenery in the world。以下是关于世界上最美的风景的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most beautiful scenery in the world

In the story of snow white, the bad queen always wants to kill this girl to keep herself the most beautiful woman in the world. Her beauty concept has made her lose her reputation. This story tells us that the true beauty lies not in the appearance, but in our soul.

The beautiful soul makes us become shining stars.




The country maid and her milk jug a country maid was walking with a can of milk on her head. At this time, she fell into a kind of meditation: "the money I sell this milk can increase my egg stock to 300 times of that of eggs, which may make my eggs worse. They can be destroyed by pests.

At least 250 chickens can be produced. When poultry are always very expensive, these chickens can be transported to the market So I can have money to buy a new dress in the new year. Let me think about it.

Green is the best color of my skin. I want to wear this dress. All the young people will fight for the fair I come to, but noe will refuse every one of them, and will turn around contemptuously and leave them.

"With such an idea, she can't help but use her head to move the thoughts in her mind. When the milk can falls down, all she imagined Happiness disappears in an instant.


乡村女仆和她的牛奶罐一个乡村女佣头上顶着一罐牛奶走着,这时她陷入了一种沉思之中:“我卖这牛奶的钱能使我的鸡蛋库存增加到鸡蛋的三百倍,这可能会使我的蛋变的更糟被害虫摧毁,至少能生产250只小鸡,在家禽总是很贵的时候,这些小鸡就可以运到市场上,这样到了新年我就可以有钱买一件新衣服了。让我考虑一下,绿色是我肤色最好的颜色,我要穿这件衣服所有年轻人都要争取我来参加的集市,但是诺伊将拒绝他们中的每一个人,并且轻蔑地转过身去,离开他们,“带着这样的想法,她忍不住用头去动脑子里的念头,当牛奶罐掉下来的时候,她所有想象中的幸福都瞬间消失了――――――   。


A forever friend "when the rest of the world leaves, a friend comes into your life." "sometimes you will find a special friend in your life. He is just a part of your life. He can make you laugh until you can't stop him.

He makes you believe that there is really something beautiful in the world. There is a door that can make you believe that there is an unlocked door waiting for you When you are depressed and the world becomes dark and empty, your forever friend will cheer you up and make the dark and empty world suddenly bright and full. Your forever friend will help you through the difficulties, sadness and confusion.

If you turn away, your forever friend will follow you. If you lose your way, your forever friend will guide you and cheer for you. Your forever friend will hold your hand and tell you that everything will be OK.

If you find such a friend, you will feel happy and complete, because you don't have to worry that you have a forever friend, and there is no end.




标签: 六级 作文 世界 满分 风景

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