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关于”美好的夜晚“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:a good night。以下是关于美好的夜晚的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:a good night

Before I went to high school, I lived in my hometown. My hometown was far away from the city, so the trees there were very green and the water there was so clear that I could even see fish swimming. When the night came, the air was cooler than the day, people liked to go out of their homes and go to a place to chat.

I enjoyed playing games with my friends. When the moon came out, we ran happily along the village, The village is not as bright as the city, the air is polluted, the buildings are very high, so people can't see the moon clearly. When I look at the sky, the stars are hanging in the sky.

I can see the moon and the stars. They are very close to me. It seems that I can touch their night.

The countryside is so beautiful.




The thermometer has dropped to a few degrees below zero, but I still sleep in the porch as usual at night. My most familiar scene is the stars in the sky. Although they are just a little twinkling dots, I am used to them.

Their occasional departure will bring me loneliness and boredom. After snowing all night, my roommate and I sat far away in another corner of the corridor with quilts. She pointed to something in the distance and yelled, "look, when Venus rises, I look up and see a light on the bend of the mountain road.

I point to a small lamp on the opposite mountain and say that its Jupiter is over there. When we keep pointing here, More and more lights came into view. The hurricane lights, which were bright and dim in the pine forest, illuminated this scene.

The sky was dotted with stars. The boundary between the sky and the forest was covered by snowflakes. It was easy for countless lights to pass.

Because many stars completely disappeared in an imaginary world, I seemed to see all the lights falling from the ground, and the illusory stars were still hanging overhead When I wake up from my dream in the dead of night, even on a lonely snowy night, the lights are beautiful, and I find comfort.




Last night, when I was asleep, I heard some sounds that sounded like a baby crying, and then I looked out of the window, but there was no one outside, because the sound kept ringing and I couldn't sleep. I had to figure out what was going on outside. I went to my backyard and I found a cat barking instead of a baby.

How surprised I was.




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