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关于”广告的弊端“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of advertising。以下是关于广告的弊端的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of advertising

In recent years, more and more people tend to live with their loved ones before they get married. As a result, a lot of unintended pregnancies and abortions have happened. Some people believe that this phenomenon is unacceptable because abortion can hurt people.

Some people think it's not a big deal. I think the reason is that, first of all, abortion can be a bad thing for unborn babies. Many people tend to terminate their pregnancies.

If they get an unexpected pregnancy, they are not willing to have a child before marriage. Therefore, many people like to use feticide during accidental pregnancy, which is unfair to the unborn life Fetuses can lead to unhealthy physical conditions, and many people decide to abort in the event of an accident. Abortion surgery can seriously harm women.

What's more, killing the fetus may lead to infertility. Although abortion drugs are harmful to health, they may also cause some complications or other diseases, and even lead to death. The disadvantages of abortion are so obvious that people should not try to have an abortion when they are accidentally pregnant.





At present, more and more unmarried couples live together, leading to an increasing number of pregnancies before marriage. Induced abortion has become a common way to terminate unexpected pregnancy. However, induced abortion has many disadvantages.

On the one hand, induced abortion is not conducive to women's health. The way to terminate pregnancy is easy to cause inflammation and even infertility. Artificial abortion can also reduce women's immunity, Women's attention is affected.

Therefore, women, especially women, must learn to protect themselves and avoid suffering from these pains. Induced abortion is harmful to women's mental health. Women will feel anxiety and anxiety before and after abortion, which will definitely affect our life.

In addition, induced abortion may make women feel guilty and uneasy, and even lead to depression. Abortion is harmful to women's physical and mental health. Therefore, in order to keep healthy, women must always learn to protect themselves.

If abortion is absolutely necessary, women should rest and strengthen nutrition after abortion, so that they will not suffer so much in the future.




As more and more companies tend to post vacancies online rather than go to job fairs, most people also prefer to use the Internet to find jobs. Some people think it's convenient for them, because they can check the basic information of a company at any time. Some people say that it's not good to find a job online, because some people will take advantage of obtaining the information of job seekers.

In my opinion, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. First of all, with the rapid development of the Internet, some people will steal your personal information to take advantage of it. Some cyber crimes happen from time to time.

Criminals often steal victim information through the Internet and then commit crimes. You may be cheated by the false information on the Internet. Job seekers often receive some phone calls to invite them for an interview, but when they arrive at the designated place, they find it is so.

Finally, through the above analysis, I think it is unwise for us to find a job online, because your personal information will be stolen and you will also be cheated.





标签: 托福 英文 作文 广告 满分

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