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To let go of a painful marriage is not the only relationship that needs forgiveness. It needs our children, friends, colleagues, neighbors and even strangers. In fact, no relationship can survive without the oxygen of forgiveness.

For those who like this kind of thing, it is not a kind of dispensable beauty, it is the common need of interpersonal relationship. For your own health and reason, I once met a couple whose daughter Sarah was hit by a drunk driver while riding out on a bicycle, and she died on the spot. The driver's guilt is beyond doubt.

He doesn't even have a valid driver's license. After a previous drunken driving admonition, he was sentenced to prison for manslaughter. But for Sarah's parents, Roger and Casey, what they can think of is that the murderer who sat with her at home many years later took revenge.

I was overwhelmed by their heartbreak. I couldn't even imagine him The pain we have suffered. There is no doubt that the light sentence of Sarah's murderer did not bring justice to me.

I was shocked by her cold self-centered and lack of self blame attitude, but at the same time, Roger and Casey's continued reaction to her death exacerbated their pain, and I couldn't help but feel greater pain.





On my way home one night, I found some fresh cut roses outside a florist. I picked a dozen and walked into the florist's shop. A young saleswoman said, "are these for your wife, sir?" She asked "yes," I said, "as her birthday present," she asked "no," and I said, "for your anniversary." "no, as I pocketed my change and walked to the door, I added," I hope she'll forgive you.





Forgiveness is good for ourselves and for ourselves. If we can let go of our resentment, we will feel happier. Anger only annoys us.

It's good for our health to forgive others. It relieves stress and relieves harmful tension. When we forgive, we do something good for our body and mind.

In the end, forgiveness makes us stronger and makes us stronger and more mature. It teaches us the power of compassion to give all these benefits. We should do our best to forgive and forget.

We should let the painful memories start again, because then we will feel better, we all Make mistakes. We may well need forgiveness.





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