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关于”今天的天气“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Today's weather。以下是关于今天的天气的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Today's weather

The weather is fine today. It has rained for several days. It is cold and wet these days, so I can't go out to play with my friends.

Moreover, the bad weather makes me upset, which has a negative impact on me. But today, when I see the sunshine, I am very happy. It seems to shine into my heart.

Then I decide to go out and enjoy the good weather I went to and my friends go to Qingshan park It's a good place and we had a good time there because of the fine weather, my friend.




On September 5th, it rained today. I was on duty. I had to go to school a little earlier.

I needed to clean the classroom before my classmates arrived to make sure the boards and floors were clean. It took me more than half an hour to finish the task. Unfortunately, it rained heavily today.

When my classmates came into the classroom, the floor was wet again. I had to mop it up. Oh, my God.




It's fine today. It rained for several days. It's cold and wet these days.

I can't go out with my friends. In addition, the bad weather upset me, which had a negative impact on me, but today, when I saw the sun, I was very happy, it seemed to shine into my heart, and then I decided to go out and enjoy the good weather I went to and my friends went to Qingshan Park, which was a good entertainment place. We had a good time there.

I was very happy today because of the good weather, my friends.




标签: 三年级 作文 万能 天气 年级

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