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关于”我的的挑战“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My challenge。以下是关于我的的挑战的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My challenge

When I entered high school, I was shocked to find that what the physics teacher taught was completely beyond my ability and my ability. I completely lost my self-confidence and thought that I was just lack of physical talent, so I stopped trying Fortunately, my teacher gave up on me. She helped me analyze my problems.

I realized that I needed to face the challenge bravely. I regained my confidence, adjusted my methods and studied hard. Now I am one of the top students in physics department.

From the above experience, I know that what helps us to succeed is not our natural talent, but our efforts. When we face challenges, we should fight bravely, not give up.




This challenge designed and built a car that can cross the vast and magnificent Australian continent, and proved this. In the spirit of friendly competition with others, driven by the spirit of adventure and friendly competition, the event attracted educational institutions from enterprises, research and all over the world. Panasonic world solar challenge was sponsored by the South Australian Tourism Council Major events South Australian events.




I am an American. I have been there all the time. But when I was a middle school student, I came to China as an exchange student.

I met many difficulties. The biggest challenge for me was to learn Chinese. Oh, my God, Chinese is too difficult.

Every word has a lot of meanings. What's worse, the same Pinyin may have different meanings and intonation. I don't I know how to speak.

Although many people have helped me, I still find it difficult to learn Chinese well.




标签: 小升初 英文 作文 万能

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