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关于”简单的句“的英语句子5个,句子主体:Simple sentence。以下是关于简单的句的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Simple sentence

1、Students will be able to communicate in English using basic patterns. 2. Students's listening comprehension skill will be improved. 学生将能习得基本英文口语能力。 2。 学生能用简单之英语句子进行沟通。

2、This may sound complicated but it's not. Let me give you some examples. 这听起来可能有点复杂,但实际上却很简单。下面我给大家介绍一些例句。

3、Our lives are frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify. 我仧癿生活总被琐事浪费 了,简单点,再简单点。

4、The d attribute contains 1,072 statements (gathered through Wacom tablet), so I've trimmed it for brevity in Listing 2. d 属性包含 1,072 个语句(通过 Wacom 写字板收集而来),所以我将在 清单 2 中简化它。

5、Is it a plain or an ingredient sentence? 这是个简略句还是一个复合句?

6、Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it ,simplify it.我们的生活都被琐事浪费掉了,简单点,再简单点。

7、There is an old saying that "we are what we eat". Obviously this is an oversimplification. 有这样一句古老的谚语,“吃啥像啥”。这一认识显然过于简单化了。

8、Our lives are frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify. 我们的生活总被琐事浪费了,简简单单点,再简简单单点。

9、In a 'nutshell' – the negative impacts of what the Fairtrade Foundation deems to be the 'right way' of farming or harvesting. 简单一句话——互惠贸易认为是种植业的“正确的方法”带来的是负面的影响。

10、A sentence like 'We need one box of a certain type of screw' is something that a machine could translate reasonably accurately - though primitively. 机器能够相当准确地翻译这样的句子——尽管比较简单粗糙。

11、I think it's worth saying a word or two about the word "introduction" as well. 关于介绍这个词,我也想简单说几句。

12、Mr liu, our oral English teacher, is easygoing. 其实很简单,同位语要解释的东西删除后不影响整个句子的构成;

13、This command eases the execution of single-line PL/SQL statements by avoiding the need for wrapping them between BEGIN-END blocks. 该命令简化了单行 PL/SQL 语句的执行,因为无需在 BEGIN-END 块之间包装它们。

14、One of my favorite Zen monks, Thich Nhat Hanh, simplified the rules in just a few words: “Smile, breathe and go slowly. 我最喜欢的禅僧一行禅师把规则简化为简单的几句话:微笑、呼吸和慢行。

15、It wasn't easy, not then, and not now. 活着并不简单,那时不简单,现在也不。

16、One of my favorite Zen monks, Thich Nhat Hanh, simplified the rules in just a few words: "Smile, breathe and go slowly." 我最喜欢的禅僧一行禅师把规则简化为简单的几句话:微笑、呼吸和慢行。

17、Guobianhu is made easily and eaten simply with few material, but it is terribly delicious. 锅边糊制作简单,原料简单,吃法也很简单,却十分美味。

18、you can ask the host where your bag is quite simply by using the "where" pattern. 你可以简单地用“where”句型询问主人你的包在哪里。

19、Simple checklists can provide a useful quick-and-dirty assessment. 简单的清单(Checklist)能够提供一个简单、粗糙和快速的评估。

20、It may or may not be easily expressed in this sort of way. 它的表达形式或许很简单,或许不简单。

21、Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it ,simplify it .我们的生活都被琐事浪费掉了,简单点,再简单点。

22、The topics of Diction section include Conciseness, Repetition Simple Words, and etc. 字法单元的主题包括简洁、重复、简单的字等等。

23、The committee had selected one guy from New Orleans, two from Mississippi, and me. 委员会已选定了新奥尔良一位仁兄,密西西比州的两位,还有我。 我们向记者简单说了几句。

24、"All right, " was his only reply. He had long since wearied of discussing the rancorous subject. “行啊,”他总是这么简单地回答一句。他早就厌倦这类怨气冲冲的话题了。

25、The result is an else if statement, which is shortened to elif, as demonstrated in Listing 6. 结果是一个 else if 语句,简写为 elif,如清单 6 所示。


26、Use one- or two-word concepts, not full sentences 用简单几个字表示概念,不要把整句话写在那里

27、For simplicity, we'll extract just the relevant coordinate and identifier portions with the one-liner shown below. 为简单起见,我们将使用以下这条简单的语句只提取相关的坐标和标识符内容。

28、The first part, putting in the horizontal words, is pretty easy — build an array of arrays, 10 elements each, filled with periods. 第一部分,在水平方向放入单词非常简单 — 构建一个数组的数组,每个数组中有 10 个元素,用句点填充。

29、We still need more review, this will be so deeply to heart the knowledge will not forget. 还要多复习,这样才会让知识深记于心,不会忘记。 翻译要简单易读,词汇简单,语句通顺。 谢谢!

30、Grandmother didn't just like her coffee, and it wouldn't really do her justice to say she loved her coffee. 奶奶不止是喜欢咖啡这么简单,说句公道话,咖啡是她的挚爱。

31、Rupert Murdoch, the greatest media mogul of his generation, said simply: "This is the most humble day of my life. 当今传媒第一大亨鲁珀特•默多克简单地说了一句:“这是我一生中最谦卑的一天。”

32、Simple and calm, this is what I want happiness. 简简单单而平平静静、这就是我想要的小幸福。

33、To make this easy, replace missing letters with periods: $guess = "c...t";. 为了简单起见,用句点替换缺少的字母:$guess = "c...t";。

34、And the difference is, the clauses mean are closely linked, so we can't simply take each sentence apart, and must be integrated to understand the clauses. 与并列不同的是,各分句之间的意思是紧密相连的,所以我们不能简单地把各个句子拆开来看,而必须将各分句综合起来进行理解。

35、The key to HSQLDB's simplicity is the serialization of SQL statement execution. 造成 HSQLDB 简单性的关键因素是SQL语句执行的顺序化。

36、Start your email with a sentence that tells what your message is about. 首句就直截了当的告诉对方这封E-mail讲的是什么事。 简单,明确。

37、There's no reason to add anything to that, but I never give a two-word answer when I can write a full sentence (or more). 没什么好多说的了,对于这个名字,这个位置而言。 但是对于我能够写下一整句话的时候,我绝对不会简简单单地用两个单词来表达的。

38、A variable of a primitive type always holds a value of that exact primitive type. 简单类型的变量总是执持简单类型的值。

39、Fusing these sounds together to form words and sentences is a complex dance. 而把这些声音融合在一起,组成单词和句子,简直就是个复杂的舞蹈。

40、So let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V. 所以让我简单地再加上一句,无上光荣地遇见您,请叫我,V。

41、In a word, Sophia was in love with him to distraction. 简单一句话,苏菲亚爱他爱得神魂颠倒了。

42、The phrase “What can you do for me?” is an easy and powerful way to save money. 一句“你能为我做什么?” 是一种既简单又强势的省钱方法。

43、That first entry was the hardest. I remember writing a short and rather largely printed statement that simply stated when he passed and how I felt. 正如万事开头难,我记得仅写几句简短的、相当大部分是印刷体的声明,简单表明它离去的时间和我的感受。

44、Conclusion: Simplify but don't over-simplify 结论:简单化,但不要过于简单化

45、It reverses the order of modifiers, or simply sentence structure in two connected, called parallel, clauses. 它颠倒了修饰词顺序,或者在两个连接中被称为平行、条目式的简单句子结构。

46、I love three things in the world,sun ,moon and you. Sun for morning,moon for night and you forever . 很简单的句子,但是翻译很美,浮世三千,吾爱有三。

47、The reason I did is simply: it greatly helped drive my own CCIE studies back in 2006 – 2008! 理由很简单:这句话在2006-xx年间极大地帮助了我自己的CCIE学习!

48、Grandmother didn't just like her coffee, and it wouldn't really 3)do her justice to say she loved her coffee. 奶奶不止是喜欢咖啡这么简单,说句公道话,咖啡是她的挚爱。

49、So let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you… 所以让我简单地再加上一句,无上光荣地遇见您。

50、Regardless of its briefness, the explanation captures the widest essence of responsibility. 简单的一句话,却道尽责任最广博的含义。


51、Children first learn basic sentences structured as subject-verb (The dog chews) and subject-verb-object (The dog chews shoes) because these are short and easy to understand. 孩子们最先学会的句子结构是主谓(The dog chews)和主谓宾(The dog chews shoes),因为这样的句式简单易懂。

52、Mia got so used to her mother going away she would simply say, “Mommy’s on a trip, ” and blow her kisses when she left. 每次妈妈离开她,她会简简单单说一句:“妈妈出差”,然后给妈妈一个飞吻。

53、I am a teacher , so love teaching , love students . 我就希望只做一个平平凡凡,简简单单的老师!

54、You are the Shenzhen person once you come here! That's just a slogan, easy to say but it contains the gathering power that everyone made. 来了就是深圳人! 这原本只是一句标语。简简单单却一语概括了大家凝聚在一起的力量。

55、By the way, the book in Chinese accompanying the series is NOT simply a recipe book, although it does include some recipes. 顺便说一句,这本用中文记载的附随书不单单是一本简单的食谱系列,尽管其中包含了一些食谱。

56、That’s the repeatable one-liner, but it’s a gross oversimplification and isn’t doing me any favors. 这是被我重复多遍的一句俏皮话,但这句话太过简单,无法给我带来任何好处。

57、I advocated pi calculus channels because of their simplicity, which generally translates to performance and maintainability. 我提倡使用pi演算通道是由于它的简单性,换句话说是由于它的高效性和可维护性。

58、Neither do themselves. Every single sentence, a phrase, or even a word, can just hurt them deeply. 就是简简单单既一句话,一个词或者一个字,都可以伤害到距地。

59、"I knew your grandfather was the right man for me because we loved our coffee the same way, " she said. 导读: 奶奶不止是喜欢咖啡这么简单,说句公道话,咖啡是她的挚爱。

60、Describe it simply, like a haiku: Pacing mother duck/Babies dropping from the ledge/Bumping outstretched hands. 简单地对它进行描述,象俳句一样:踱步的鸭妈妈/鸭宝宝从边缘掉下/撞到伸出的手上。

61、Similarities: high-pitched voice, repetitive use of grammatically acceptable words, present-tense verbs. 相同点:很高的声调,重复使用简单的句式。

62、Because of these glances, keep the sentences in your guide short and easy to follow. 因为只有这样,指南里的句子看起来才显得简单并且看的懂。

63、So let me simply add that "it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." 所以让我简单地再加上一句,遇见您是我无上光荣,请叫我,V。

64、You can use the "it sounds like" pattern to very simply condense what he said, 你可以使用“it sounds like”句型,非常简单地概括一下他所说的内容,

65、The combined-use sentence is a single sentence, which is made up of several single sentences with various sentence structures. 合用句是由几种不同句式的单句组合而成的单句形式。

66、It was the root of the Bauhaus ideal: the single language of "form following function." 这是包豪斯理想的根:简单的一句“形式跟随功能”。

67、Only a primitive ID attribute mechanism is available (in other words, no uniqueness scope). 只能使用一个简单的标识属性机制(换句话说,没有唯一性作用域)。

68、Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it ,simplify it .我们的生活都被琐事浪费掉了,简单点,再简单点。

69、Of, relating to, or being the mood of the verb used in ordinary objective statements. 陈述的,直陈的简单客观陈述句的动词语气的,或与之有关的。

70、I love three things in the world,sun ,moon and you. Sun for morning,moon for night and you forever . 很简单的来句子,但是翻译很美源,浮世三千,吾爱有三。

71、This is because this time, the if statement on line 2 is now true, and "o" is simply returned. The recursion unwinds as follows 这是因为这一次,第 2 行中的 if 语句现在为 true,并且简单地返回了 "o"。

72、Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it, and simplify it. 我们的生活都被琐事浪费掉了,简单点,简单点。

73、Simple and rugged construction permits easy disassembly . Cleaning and re-assembly. 简单而坚固的结构令拆装、维护简单容易。


标签: 四级 简单

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