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关于”月亮的诗歌“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Poetry of the moon。以下是关于月亮的诗歌的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of the moon

1、The moon is far away, the moon is 10 times farer away. 月亮距离我们很远,月亮是这个距离的10倍远。

2、It’s estimated that the moon appeared 14 percent larger and was 30 percent brighter! 据估测,该轮超级月亮较普通月亮大出约14%,亮度也提升了近30%。

3、The result: Our planet was left with a single bulked-up and ever-so-slightly lopsided moon. 结论:最后只剩下一个月亮,与原来的双月相比,新月亮更大也更亮。 这个畸形的月亮成为了地球的卫星。

4、A ridge in the forties of the twentieth century poet, he is not only a "July School" on behalf of the poet, is one of the best poems reflect the aesthetics of the July School of poetry. 阿垅是二十世纪xx年代的著名诗人,他不仅是“xx月派”代表诗人之一,也是最能体现xx月派诗歌美学的诗论家。

5、Apollo was the god of the sun, music, poetry and prophecy, while his twin sister Artemis(Diana) was the goddess of the moon and the chase. 太阳神阿波罗主管音乐、诗歌和预言,而他的孪生妹妹阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)则是月亮和狩猎女神。

6、Jane Katz, a writer in residence, submitted that without the moon, Shakespeare’s sonnets would have been basically impossible. 简卡茨,是位学校在职的作家,他说,没有月亮,莎士比亚的十四行诗基本上不可能写成。

7、But the poetry spot spot star light forever will illuminate my mind. 但诗歌的点点星光将永远照亮我的心灵。

8、Lily , look at the bright moon . 莉莉,看那明亮的月亮。

9、Translation of and Comments on J. H. Prynne's Poetry, Xinxin: Theory of Poetry (The 2nd Issue of the Month), 2008(7). 《蒲龄恩诗歌翻译以及简评》,《诗歌理论下半月刊》,xx年xx月,第7期。

10、Moon, moon, small moon, bright moon. 月亮,月亮,月亮小,月亮亮。

11、The dragon wanted to swallow the moon. To protect the moon and frighten the dragon away, people made moon-like cakes to cater for the dragon. 为了保护月亮把龙吓走,人们做了月亮形状的点心代替月亮给龙。

12、By 2010, the song poetry February, and aesthetic da. xx年xx月,歌诗达·唯美号又将交付使用。

13、The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare's sonnets, imitate opera stars and intone Homer's epic poems in Greek . 他刚刚买来的鹦鹉会背诵莎士比亚的十四言诗,模拟歌剧亮星还能够用希腊语吟咏荷马史诗。

14、This cluster including the sun, the moon, the water, the land, the wheat and other images is so adsorptive and productive that it becomes a primary symbol of Hai Zi different from other poets. 这一意象丛包括太阳、月亮、水、大地、麦地等多重意象,具有强大的吸附能力和生发能力,是海子诗歌区别于同时代诗人,也区别于乡土诗人、抒情诗人的根本性标志。

15、Let's continue to learn the lyrics of the second paragraph of Moon River. 今天我们继续学习歌曲《月亮河》的第二段歌词。

16、Many ancient Chinese poets also showed their preference for the moon through wonderful words. For example, the poetic genius Libai wrote more than 320 poems about the moon in his lifetime. 许多中国古代的诗人也在他们的诗文中表达了对月亮的渴慕,比如诗仙李白一生就写了超过320首跟月亮有关的诗。

17、Tang Yaping, born in 1962, now living in Guizhou, has published her selected poems as Moon's Expression. 唐亚平,xx年生,现居贵州贵阳。出版的诗集有《月亮的表情》等。

18、She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky. Shining from high above you shouldn't ask why! 她仰望星空,对月歌唱。月亮在上,你无法猜透她的忧伤!

19、Starts from "Poetry", the poet then has the moon complex which cannot untie, it is condensing poet's emotion experience and the life experience all. 自《诗经》开始,诗人便有着解不开的月亮情结,它无不凝聚着诗人的情感经历和生命体验。

20、General comments: on the moon, except the form of songs performed. 总评:月亮之上歌曲表演形式除外。

21、Night, out of the house with my mother and I, out of the full moon, the moon more shine, more than a round moon, the moon more than white! 晚上,我和妈妈一起走出家门,出来赏月,月亮多亮,月亮多圆,月亮多白!

22、His poetry couldn't stay away from the general and mysterious imageries, such as wheat, sun, land, moon and water. 他的诗歌,离不开一系列普通而又神秘的意象,如麦地、太阳、土地、月亮以及水等。

23、He is the chief editor of Poetry Monthly (second semimonthly) and the author of Popular in the World. 出版的诗集有《风行大地》等。主编《诗歌月刊》(下半月刊)。

24、Later volumes include Songs from the Clay (1915) and Kings and the Moon (1938). 之后的诗集包括《泥土之歌 》(1915)、《国王和月亮》(1938)。

25、It is well known that the poesies and other works depicted the moon by poets and litterateurs are large numbers of all ages. 大家都知道,古往今来,诗人也好,文学家也好,谈月亮的诗歌和作品是非常非常多的。


26、For there is nothing, of course, to prevent the moon from being both a stone and a god. 当然,因为月亮空无一物,既不许说月亮是块石头,也不许说月亮是个神。

27、I looked at the moon and murmured to myself: Oh, Moon, female friend of ours, how many people sing of you; how many people write about you. 我望着月亮喃喃自语:月亮,朋友,多少人把你歌唱,多少人为你写作。

28、You can get as poetic about the moon as you want — and everyone from lovers to lyricists to astronauts has had a go at it. 只要你想,你可以得到有关月亮的诗 - 和爱好者,都以抒情诗人的宇航员已在它去。

29、Who says only poems about Wind and Moon are beautiful? This poem shows a beautiful soul. 谁说诗歌非要描写风花雪月?这首诗同样展示了诗人美丽的心灵。

30、Appreciation: Until now, writes moon's poetic composition it may be said since old times voluminous, but true thought-provoking chanted the month excellent work then not saw. 赏析:自古至今,写月亮的诗作可谓浩如烟海,但真正耐人寻味的咏月佳作则并不多见。

31、Let's listen to a poesy how to say ? 我们听听诗歌“星星月亮齐欢迎”,看看诗歌里怎么说?

32、An additional variable is that the moon can have varying degrees of intensity, depending where it is during its 29.5 day cycle of waxing and waning. 还有一个变量即月光亮度,随着月亮29.5天一周期的盈亏,月亮的亮度会发生变化。

33、My home in the Moon Bay, Moon Bay is a beautiful village. 我的家在月亮湾,月亮湾是个美丽的村子。

34、The Tang Dynasty witnessed the emergence in large numbers of the poems with the moon as the theme which was relevant to the moderation of the Confucian school and the symbolism of the moon. 唐代以月亮为题材的羁旅诗的大量产生与儒家感情的平和及月亮所蕴含的象征意义有关。

35、He compared the girl to the moon in the poem. 他在诗中把那姑娘比作月亮。

36、One night, Li Po fell from his boat and drowned in the Yangtze River while trying to embrace the reflection of the moon in the water. 某明月当空之夜,他坐船在扬子江上赏月饮酒作诗,因试图揽起水中月亮不慎溺水身亡。

37、Romantic Poets Quest for Modernism-On the Artistic Practice of the Modernism of the Neo-moon Poetic School; “新月”诗人也是中国现代主义诗歌艺术的重要实践者。

38、Tonight, the waxing gibbous moon shines in front of the constellation Taurus the Bull. 今晚,满月的月亮照亮了金牛座的前面。

39、The flame-red moon, the harvest moon 闪着红色火焰的月亮,收获的月亮

40、And poet Todd Davis, a professor of literature at Penn State University, said this idea of two moons – one essentially swallowing the other – will capture the literary imagination. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学文学教授兼诗人托德·戴维斯称,双月的画面——大月亮最终吞噬小月亮——这样的画面将俘获文人们的心。

41、Her loud, vibrato voice was mesmerizing; it flung Shakespearean and Greek verse about like nursery rhymes. 她响亮、颤抖的声音如同念童谣儿歌般吐露出莎士比亚或希腊诗歌,慑人心魄。

42、Jane Katz, a writer in residence, submitted that without the moon, Shakespeare's sonnets would have been basically impossible. 简卡茨,是位学校在职的作家,他说,没有月亮,莎士比亚的十四行诗基本上不可能写成。

43、The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. Psalms 121:6 白日,太阳必不伤你;夜间,月亮必不害你。 诗篇121:6。

44、Aldington's poems were in the November issue of Poetry and HD's in January 1913 and Imagism as a movement was launched. 奥尔丁顿诗歌是在xx月的诗歌和HD的在xx年xx月和意象作为运动已经展开。

45、The moon image in Li Shangyin's poems witnesses his sentimental love and pitiful life. 李商隐诗歌中的月亮意象极为动人,她见证了诗人凄美的爱情和坎坷的一生。

46、The mooncakes are like the moon. 月饼像月亮。

47、I sing the moon to linger with my song; My shadow disperses as I dance along. 我吟诵诗篇,月亮伴随我徘徊,我手足舞蹈,影子便随我蹁跹。

48、Shiny, rural, e-pal, environment, relatives, unload, poetry, elevator. 雪亮的,农村,网友,环境, 亲戚, 卸下,诗歌,电梯。

49、The complex imagoes of the moon comes down in one continuous line of 《The Book of Songs》, and it greatly broadens the culture connotation and stature of poetry, enrich the artifice of poetry as well. 中国古代诗词中月亮意象的多元化,与《诗经》 六义一脉相承,极大地拓宽了诗词的文化内涵和思想境界,也丰富了诗词的表现技巧。

50、Writes the picture poem, is Zhou Lianggong draws the skill and the poetry art union development. 题画诗,是周亮工画艺与诗歌艺术结合的展现。


51、Look at the bright moon. 看那明亮的月亮。


标签: 高二 英文 诗歌

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