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关于”谚语100句“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Proverb 100 sentences。以下是关于谚语100句的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Proverb 100 sentences

1、Who chatters to you will chatter of you. 这句谚语意为,向你说别人坏话者,也会向别人说你的坏话。chatter

2、My father and mother are my parents. 这句谚语强调母亲的重要性。

3、Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience. (Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer) 谚语是从长期经验中获得的短句。

4、My father likes sports while my mother likes music. 4. 这句谚语强调母亲的重要性。

5、You may have heard the proverb silence is golden. 您可能听过一句谚语:沉默是金。

6、There is a proverb that says you can’t have your cake and eat it too. 有一句谚语是这样说的:鱼与熊掌不可兼得。

7、This app, along with two other related apps developed by us (100 Chinese Proverbs and 100 Chinese 2-Part Allegorical Sayings), will greatly liven up your spoken Chinese. 该应用以及相关的另外2个应用(100个中文谚语和100个中文歇后语)会很好地丰富您的中文表达能力。

8、An old English adage claims: 'Dogs looks up at you, cats looks down on you, but pigs is equal.' 一句英语谚语说:“狗仰视你,猫俯视你,只有猪平视你。”

9、Everyone knows the adage: good fences make good neighbors. 有句众所周知的谚语:有了好篱笆,才有好邻居。

10、A proverbial expression; a proverb. 俗谚类似于谚语的表达方式;

11、In Africa it is said that “even the jackal deserves to drink”. 在非洲有这么一句谚语,“即使是豺狼也不应该渴着。”

12、M. L. : There's a Chinese proverb: The mind cannot be in two places at once. 美铃:中国有一句谚语:一心不能二用。

13、" Talmud" There is a proverb: "Success and failure are accustomed. 《塔木德》上有一句谚语:“成功和失败都是习惯。”

14、Wendy: She believes in the saying, it's "What's wrapped that really counts." 温迪:她相信一句谚语,“包在里面的东西才是有价值的。”

15、We all know the saying, “you can’t choose your family”. 我们都知道一句谚语:“家人是不能选择的。”

16、The Chinese and English languages share a proverb: Time and tide wait for no man. 中英两国虽然语言文字不同,但有一句相同的谚语:时不我待。

17、There is a Chinese proverb that if you smoke after a meal, you feel like a fairy. 中国有一句谚语:饭后一口烟,赛过小神仙。

18、The saying that "birds of a feather flock together is very true." 有句谚语叫“物以类聚人以群分”是个真理。

19、Maybe you have heard the proverb that Luoyang peony is the finest under heaven. 您可能听说过这样一句谚语:洛阳牡丹甲天下。

20、"A river is deep, " an old African proverb goes, "because of its source. " 有一句古老的非洲谚语说,河有源泉水才深。

21、They still remember that old saying these days. 现在他们仍然记得那句古谚语。

22、I like the English proverb "No pains , no gains . " I will try to work hard for my dream . 我喜欢这句英语谚语“不劳则无获。”我将为了我的梦想而努力!

23、" There is a proverb: "Success and failure are accustomed. 《塔木德》上有一句谚语:“成功和失败都是习惯。”

24、"Patience is a virtue" is an old saying. "忍耐是美德"是句古老的谚语.

25、Another favorite proverb among our listeners is "Practice makes perfect." 一些听众喜欢另一句谚语:“趁热打铁。”


26、Francis Bacon once commented that "the genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs." 谚语从广义上讲包括一个民族或一个地区广为流传的民谚俗语和格言名句。

27、There is a Chinese saying that "people are Fuk, the envy of days." 中国有句谚语是说“人有百福,天也羡慕”。

28、Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. 以前,人们都没把这句谚语当回事。

29、This thousand-year-old proverb still matches the current society. 这句流传近千年的谚语仍然符合当前的社会。

30、An old Chinese proverb says, “Above there is heaven and below are Soochow and Hangchow. 中国有句古老的谚语:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”

31、To kill a snake, goes an old African proverb, you must first crush the head. 有一句古老的非洲谚语说,“打蛇先打头。”

32、There is a saying often said: " Curiosity killed the cat." 有句谚语常道:“好奇心害死猫。”

33、As another old saying goes, "Roses given, fragrance in hand." 正如另一句谚语说的:“予人玫瑰手留余香。”

34、There is a saying among us: spring is flowery, and autumn is fruitful. 我们知道有一句谚语:春华秋实。

35、The other inspiration is a Chinese saying, "At 40, one should be no longer confused." 另外一个灵感是一句中国谚语,“四十不惑。”

36、In Japan there is a proverb, 'If it stinks, put a lid on it.' 日本有句谚语:“要是闻着发臭,那就盖上盖子。”

37、This Zulu Proverb can be applied to leadership in Africa today. 今天,祖鲁族人这句谚语可以应用到非洲的领导身上。

38、Choi Young-Hee took that adage and turned it into a business model. 崔英姬住了这句谚语并把它转化成一种商业模式。

39、As the saying goes: fiat iustitia, pereat mundus (let there be justice, though the world perish). 正如那句谚语:世界虽然毁灭,但很公平。

40、"as the proverb has it, "is paved with good intentions."And “地狱”正如一句谚语所说“是由善意铺就的”。

41、An old Oriental proverb that "people with one mind will remove Mount Tai" is true. 中国有句谚语说,“人心齐,泰山移”。

42、There is also a similar saying in China, which says, " A distant relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor." 中国也有句谚语:“远亲不如近邻。”

43、In China, there is a proverb, " lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas." 在中国,有一句谚语说的是,“近朱者赤近墨者黑。”

44、As the ancient Chinese proverb puts it:" whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves. "" 正像一句古老的中国谚语所说,“复仇者必自绝”。

45、Meanwhile, proverbs' elegance and vulgarity, nationality cultural differences and peculiar artistic expression ways must be emphasized in the translation of English proverbs. 对谚语的表达应重视译出谚语用语的雅俗、谚语的民族色彩以及谚语特有的艺术表现形式等问题。

46、As a Portuguese saying goes, "true friends are forever" (Os amigos verdadeiros sao para sempre). 葡语中有一句谚语,“人生结交在始终”。

47、• There is a Chinese saying, “Those who don't reach the Great Wall are not true men.” 中国有句谚语:“不到长城非好汉。

48、The other inspiration is a Chinese saying, “At 40, one should be no longer confused. 另外一个灵感是一句中国谚语,“四十不惑。”

49、Aarron : I love the saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it." 我很喜欢“没有破就不要修理”这句谚语。

50、"The man who opts for revenge shoulddigtwo graves. "Chinese proverb. 中国有句谚语——“寻仇之人须存玉碎之心”。


标签: 八级 简短 谚语

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