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关于”写老师“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write teacher。以下是关于写老师的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write teacher

Mr. Li is my favorite teacher. He is tall and haggard.

He wears glasses. He dresses neatly every day. He is very strict, not all the students like him, but I will never forget how he helped me when I was trying to learn English.

He pushed me mercilessly and told me that he could do it. He was very demanding and enlightening. Finally, we succeeded.

I am a much better student and I owe him a lot.




"My favorite teacher my favorite teacher is my English teacher. She is a kind woman. She is very strict with our students.

She can make her English lively and interesting and help us overcome difficulties. She is an easy-going teacher. We get along well with the herald who loves her students.

She is our very lucky good friend. When we meet such a good teacher, we will always remember her.




Being grateful to parents is an emotion born from life. We should be grateful for our life and society. We should be grateful for our parents.

We should be grateful for our society. We should be grateful for our parents and light a beacon in the journey of life. We should master the key to the palace of life with a grateful heart.

We like the ocean of life. We have a strong heart and a grateful heart, like the tail of a bird to adjust its balance Meng Jiao wrote in the tramp: a loving mother holding a string, wandering on her clothes, leaving a thick gap means that she is afraid of delay. In the sunshine of sanchunhui, every word reveals the deep feelings of mother and son and the charm of maternal love.

We are bathed in the sunshine of maternal love. Qiongjiang jade dew is full of great maternal love, and father's love, in turn, our parents give us other people's Selfless love, looking at the parents that cover the years of forehead, looking at the hard white hair, a strange tears down the cheek, I cried, that is the call of the family, looking at those naughty little brother, mother is often so angry tears, looking at the worry is that parents can hope for the success of their children, in the parents for the children's grades slide down and so hard In the case of height vertical over the forehead, a hot thing burst out from their eye socket, it is the tears of gratitude, parents give us life, nurture us to grow, educate us to grow, do not we have parents, when we play, class, play on the playground, our parents are to our high tuition fees and take pains to travel OK, every time I come home from school, my heart is very happy to see your parents, and at the same time, I hasten to thank your parents for our life and the dull pain. The life is beautiful.

Life is like a piece of white paper. This paper will give people an impression of gratitude. The paper is pink and has a great life.

We should know how to repay our parents' gratitude We should cherish our parents deeply.




标签: 高考 作文 真题 老师

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