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关于”减少环境“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Reduce environment。以下是关于减少环境的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reduce environment

We can't do without water, but now the water is polluted, which is the biggest problem affecting our daily life, so we should find a solution to this problem. Water is an important resource in our daily life. We often do not turn off the tap after washing our hands.

Sometimes we often throw garbage in the River, so the water is polluted by us. I think we can use a bottle of water two or three times After washing our hands, we must turn off the tap and try to form a good habit to save the things around us. Let's do this from now on.

We can't live without water without plants. People can't live without water. As you can see, water is very important to us, but now the drinking water is less and less, and the water is seriously polluted, so we will take measures quickly Action to save water, but what we have to do now is, I think we can plant trees, clean the river bank, water the plants with used water, turn off the shower when we wash our hair, we should not throw garbage into the river, so we have the responsibility to protect and save water as much as possible.

Don't forget that if we don't save water, the last drop of water will be our tears. We can't live without water, but drinking water is less and less, because we waste a lot of water in our daily life, some of us often throw rubbish into the river, so the river is seriously polluted. We are responsible for saving water.

We must do something to save water. For example, we should not pour waste water into the river. We should pick up the garbage around us.

If we don't save water, the last drop of water will be our tears.




As we all know, pollution is harmful to living things. There are many different kinds of pollution in the world, such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, etc., water pollution will cause many diseases that have negative effects on mankind. Sometimes diseases will take away people's lives, dirty air will increase the incidence rate of lung cancer, and noise pollution can cause insomnia.

People's health will be damaged. I personally think that recently people should take measures to control pollution, not only the government, but also individuals have taken part in the action of protecting the environment. This is a good sign that the rivers are being purified and the air is being purified.

People are beginning to realize the importance of protecting the environment. However, this is not enough. The problems still exist and have not been fully solved.

Some factories are still going to the river Pour dirty water in, or emit toxic gases into the sky. We should know that protecting the environment needs everyone's efforts.





标签: 七年级 作文 真题 年级 环境

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