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关于”毕业生聚会上的演讲“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Speech at the graduate Party。以下是关于毕业生聚会上的演讲的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech at the graduate Party

In recent years, the increase of graduates' conscription into the army has aroused the concern of all walks of life. According to a survey, about some graduates of this year have signed up to join the army, which has set a new record in the past decade. The reasons why many graduates sign up for joining the army are complicated.

Most of them are attracted by excellent talents. In addition, joining the army can eventually release the pressure of employment. As a group of graduates who can strengthen their physical fitness and exercise their physical strength, I agree that the military can train graduates well, but I doubt whether it can solve the employment problem.

Therefore, I call for a correct treatment of the problem of enrolling for military service.




Dear teachers, families and graduates, welcome and thank you for attending the first graduation ceremony of Guangming high school tonight. On behalf of the graduates, let me thank all our family and friends for their love and support. I also want to thank our diligent teachers for guiding us through this moment.

My personal thanks to Mr. Zheng, when you let me speak English, I gave up hope Graduation is a good time to look back on the past three years. Many things have become so vivid in my mind.

However, military training, football and basketball games, graduation is also a time to look forward to the future, isn't it? No matter what you plan to do next, I hope you can actively do it, everyone will create their own unique path. Let's remember this sentence: attitude is decisive Finally, please always smile and give thanks to the class: Mr. Wang, graduation is a time to review the good memories of the past three years.




What does it mean for college students to complain more and more about their unemployment write a composition about words on Answer Sheet 3 you should write in three parts in the first part, specify your point of view in the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details in the last part, let what you write have a natural conclusion or a summary you should provide an appropriate title for your composition content, organization, grammar and appropriateness will be affected Award points, failure to comply with the instructions may result in loss of scores my suggestion is that college students due to the fierce competition in the employment market, it is difficult for a college graduate to find a decent job. Many college students complain that graduation means unemployment. In order to avoid this dilemma, I have some suggestions for college students to avoid unemployment after graduation.

College students must be fully prepared for job hunting and study hard before graduation. Job seekers with high resume scores are more likely to find a job, while diligent students can gain more knowledge and interview to find a part-time job related to the job you want to find in the future. Many college students like to find a part-time job, but do most of them do it for their pocket money? Can this part-time job be included in your resume as a relevant work experience? Whether this part-time job can bring you new friends who are engaged in the work you want to do after graduation, think about it carefully and make full use of your part-time job ‰ if college students are fully prepared to find a job, they will have more opportunities to find a good job after graduation.


越来越多的大学生抱怨毕业意味着失业的到来,你会给大学生什么建议来避免这种困境1 在答题纸3上写一篇关于单词的作文 你要分三部分写 第一部分,具体说明你的观点 在第二部分,用适当的细节来支持你的观点 在最后一部分,让你所写的东西有一个自然的结论或一个摘要 你应该为你的作文提供一个合适的标题 内容、组织、语法和适当性都会被授予分数,如果不遵守说明可能会导致分数的损失 我的建议是大学生 由于就业市场的激烈竞争,一个大学毕业生很难找到一份体面的工作很多大学生抱怨毕业意味着失业的到来为了避免这种困境,我有一些建议大学生 避免毕业后失业,大学生必须在毕业前为求职做好充分的准备,努力学习。简历中高分的求职者更容易找到工作,而勤奋的学生则能获得更多的知识和通过面试,找一份与你将来想找的工作有关的兼职工作很多大学生都喜欢找一份兼职工作,但他们中的大多数人都是为了零花钱才做这项兼职工作的吗?这项兼职工作是否可以作为一种相关的工作经验写进你的简历中?这项兼职工作是否能给你带来新的朋友,他们正从事着你毕业后想做的工作,好好考虑一下,充分利用你的兼职工作‰如果大学生做好了充分的准备找工作,他们毕业后会有更多的机会找到一份好工作。


标签: 高三 作文 演讲 毕业生 满分

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