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关于”做总统需要的技巧和品质“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Skills and qualities needed to be a president。以下是关于做总统需要的技巧和品质的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Skills and qualities needed to be a president

How to make friends everyone needs friends. Friends can help us and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends? First of all, to make friends, you must be friendly to others, and you will get a smile in return.

You should try to make a stranger feel at home, no matter how he thinks of others rather than yourself Never judge people by their appearance. Second, when you disagree with a person's opinion, friends should negotiate rather than quarrel. Finally, please discuss with him.

Don't trust those who leave you when you are in trouble, and don't leave your friends when they are in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is an independent friend and friend, as long as you can put the interests of friends ahead of you You'll have a lot of good friends.




A.b.c.d.a.b.c.d.a.b.c.d.his courage in battle can be called a lion without exaggeration. He was very brave in the battle. He was short of money and had poor credit, or met such beautiful mountains as Mount Tai, Lushan and Huangshan.

In the past, only a few people had visited it. Their wages were raised, their holidays were paid, new hotels were built on these mountains, and better train and public bus services enabled them to reach the beautiful Mount Tai that many people had never thought of ten years ago After only a few people visited, she brought home several Chinese and English novels, several times and Newsweek, as well as some textbooks she planned to read during the winter vacation, due to higher wages, paid holidays, new hotels and better transportation services. She took a lot of books home to read during the holidays, so, at the same time, first of all, because of this, Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly: you use too much salt on your food, Paul is not good to you, Paul put down his knife and frowned: why isn't the earth? If you don't have salt in your food, eating cardboard or sand will taste bad.

Imagine bread without salt, or Kate is very patient. She doesn't want to quarrel with Paul. She wants to convince him.

She says firmly: but it's also harmful to you to eat too much salt. It can lead to high blood pressure. Then, heart attack, it also conceals the taste of food.

The real taste is much more subtle than salt. We have lost the sensitivity of appreciation. Kate suggested to Paul that he should eat less salt She thinks that eating too much salt is harmful to Paul's health and will reduce the real taste of the food, but Paul disagrees with him that food without salt is tasteless.


总结总结总结写下主要思想主要事实必要的细节——A.B.C.D.A B C D.他在战斗中的勇气可以毫不夸张地称之为狮子。他在战斗中非常勇敢他很缺钱,信用很差,或者遇到了像泰山这样美丽的山,庐山和黄山,在过去的今天只有少数人参观过,工资提高,带薪度假,在这些山上新建旅馆,以及更好的火车和公共汽车服务,使他们能够到达许多人从未想到过的xx年前美丽的泰山,曾经只有少数人参观过,由于工资提高,带薪假期,新酒店和更好的交通服务,她带回家了几本中英文小说,几本《时代》和《新闻周刊》以及一些她打算在寒假期间阅读的教科书。她在假期里带了很多书回家看,因此,然而,同时,首先,正是因为这些,凯特不赞成地看着保罗:你在食物上用了太多的盐,保罗对你不好保罗放下刀皱眉:为什么地球不是,如果你的食物里没有盐,吃硬纸板或沙子的味道会很糟糕,想象一下没有盐的面包,或者土豆或意大利面不加盐凯特很有耐心她不想和保罗吵架她想说服他她说坚定地:但是也是吃太多盐对你有害,它会导致高血压,然后,心脏病发作,它还掩盖了食物的味道,真正的味道比盐要微妙得多,我们已经失去了欣赏的敏感度凯特向保罗建议他应该少吃盐她认为吃太多盐对保罗的健康有害,会降低食物的真正味道,但保罗不同意他说的没有盐的食物是无味的。


The art and skills of English composition writing 1. Structure - all compositions must have three parts: introduction, development and conclusion 2. Good writing rules and rules thinking about your composition should pay attention to why, when, where, who, how, why, when, where, who, what, rules how to make key points planning rules write a paragraph for each point in your plan rules put your Connect sentences into a paragraph and check your composition for sales and grammatical errors by using conjunctions and phrases (rules use paragraph indentations () Rules use correct verb tenses () Rules use correct verb tenses () correctly use conjunctions and short phrases () words: and, but, then, when, because, after, before, because, although, Unless, until now, usually, sometimes, occasionally, first, last, last, last, last, last, however, further, generally speaking, suddenly, fortunately, unfortunately: first of all, at the beginning, then, at that moment, at the end, after that, after that, after a period of time, to tell the truth, to tell the truth, generally speaking, and more importantly On the whole, on my way to go, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, as far as I'm concerned.




标签: 八级 英文 作文 技巧 满分

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