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关于”我未来中的学校“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My future school。以下是关于我未来中的学校的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My future school

Dalian is a beautiful city. It is located in the southern coastal province where I live. It is a very multicultural city with Russian, Korean, Japanese, American and Argentine cultures.

Italian culture exists in the whole region. I had a good time traveling with several foreign friends. The most interesting thing about the trip with my friends is that they are my first time drinking Starbucks cappuccino, The first time I took a sleeper bus, the first time I saw dolphins, the first time I went on holiday was very interesting.

I began to use Chinese English all the way. They enjoyed the beautiful Mediterranean coastline. There were many shopping areas.

We went to the sun, Asia, the ocean and the polar world. In many shopping areas, I ate a lot of wonderful food.




Today, with the development of economy, more and more children are receiving higher education. The government has put forward the policy of allowing children to receive free education before they go to university. It is a good trend for more children to have the opportunity to improve themselves.

Because education determines a person's future personality and future career, schools will pay more attention to students' abilities and talents, so more classes will be set up It will be open to them and they can choose the classes they are interested in, which will happen in middle schools, where students have less pressure to learn knowledge and they can enjoy the classroom.




Everyone should go to school, but there are many different schools. This is my Deland school. In that school, there are no teachers.

Many robots can teach you about your courses. You don't have to bring books. You can use your computer.

My school had better have an amusement park, because if we are tired, we can spend a good time here, and the students will have better than It's a better time now.




标签: 翻译 高分 九年级 作文 年级

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