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关于”应聘一名杂志编辑“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Apply for a magazine editor。以下是关于应聘一名杂志编辑的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Apply for a magazine editor

Dear Tom, I'm glad to hear from you that you don't want to stop sports, but your study can't make you pay so much attention to it. I know you are confused in my eyes. It's good for you to cultivate a good hobby.

Before you should stick to it, I have some suggestions for you. First of all, you can go to palestra to prepare for people who like sports. Second, you can continue to exercise after graduation.

You don't have to give up. Especially when you enter university, you will have a lot of opportunities to develop your favorite sport. How to become a famous athlete is determined and hard work, and never give up.

I hope these suggestions can help you, sincere XX x xxx.



首先,你可以去palestra那里为喜欢运动的人做准备第二,你毕业后可以继续运动,你不必放弃,尤其是当你进入大学的时候,你将有很多机会发展你最喜欢的运动如何成为一个著名的运动员我认为是决心和努力,以及永不放弃我希望这些建议可以帮助你你,真诚的xxx xxx。


A father was sitting at his desk studying the monthly bill when his little son rushed in and announced, "Dad, because today is your birthday, and you're old, I'm going to give you a kiss. Every year when the boy starts to keep his promise, his father yells," Oh, Andrew, don't do that now. I'm too busy.

" The child was silent immediately. When tears welled up in his big blue eyes, the father apologized and said, "you can finish that." The boy said nothing, but quietly walked away. That night, his face was covered with disappointment.

His father said, "now come on, finish kissing, Andrew, but unfortunately, a few days after this happened, the boy didn't respond. The boy had an accident and drowned his sad father. If I could tell him how sorry I was for my carelessness, he knew How painful my heart is.

Love is two-way. Any act of love must be warmly accepted, or it will be regarded as rejection and scar. If we are too busy to give and receive love, we are too busy.

Nothing is more important than to respond to the call of love from those close and precious people with love, because there may be no chance like a little boy.




Our school newspaper is looking for an editor of English edition. The work mainly includes two aspects: one is to select suitable English articles from other newspapers; the other is to select articles from students' articles. We hope that he can meet the following requirements: first, he is willing to take part of his spare time to serve others; second, he is good at English and fine arts; in addition, he is good at using computers Ability is also important..




标签: 初二 英文 作文 真题 应聘

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