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关于”学生应该诚实“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Students should be honest。以下是关于学生应该诚实的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students should be honest

My father was very angry yesterday. "Why?" maybe you would ask well, because my math score was only one, but I added an a at the back. Then I showed my father to my strict father, hoping to get his smiling face.

But he called my teacher to thank her for her teaching. Yes, my result was terrible. He yelled: "why do you cheat me all the time I've let my dear Dad down.

Now, I know what I've done is a big mistake. I won't do it again. I want to tell my dad the truth.




Over the years, when I realized how important the pen is, I forgot the value of the pen, because I have forgotten the value of the pen, but I will not lose it again. In the past, the value of honesty is very important. Without the supervision of the camera, people keep honest according to their own consciousness.

It seems that if they are dishonest, they will not be punished. But today, with the development of technology, people are supervised by high technology. Once they are found cheating, their files will be tainted, which will seriously affect their career.

We live in modern life, we need to express ourselves. What we do is to watch under the invisible camera. Even if we make a small mistake, we will be recorded.

We don't pay attention to what we do to determine who we are. So let's be honest.




Good afternoon, the national student sports program, launched by the Ministry of education, aims to improve students' health level. From the morning of April 1, it was held in many primary and secondary schools in Jiangsu Province. Nearly one million students in Jiangsu Province participated in the activity.

The Ministry of education advocates that we exercise for an hour every day and work healthily for many years. Our life will be very happy: in my opinion, I Our high school students should exercise for an hour every day, even if our spare time is limited, health is the basic condition for our study. If we don't exercise, we won't be able to get good grades, so each of you, join the program now.

Thank you, vaim V advocate. The Ministry of education advocates that we exercise one hour a day and work healthily for a year. If we don't exercise, we can't get good grades.




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