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The great rivers of the motherland I love the motherland, I love the great rivers of the motherland, like the dragon of the motherland, rolling past, winding the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, floating on the earth like a ribbon, wrapped in white, turned into Qin Shihuang's Terra Cotta Warriors and horses, like the ancient Chinese dragon, enjoying the Chinese dragon running like a waterfall on China's Jiucheng mountain, like Mount Tai, flying like Hengshan Lying like a Pine Mountain, it has countless beautiful sceneries. The motherland river that can't see the fairyland is like a gem, blooming to the world in the light of China.




About Mitt Romney, you don't know he's a Lamblin. While studying at the famous Cranbrook college in Bloomfield, Michigan, young mitt was surrounded by the sons of other auto industry executives. Although they wandered around in hippies like Pontiac GTO and corvettes, Romney insisted on driving a rambler, according to his former classmate Jim Bailey, whose father was in the United States During the term of office of the company's chief executive, the "wanderer" was "the coolest car in the world"; a car accident helped him to strengthen his faith; although as a Mormon missionary, he experienced a rough time in francisin.

Besides the French local people's indifference to Mormon, Romney was involved in a devastating car accident, president The election reflects Romney's near death, as reporters Michael kranish and Scott Helman wrote in real Romney As Romney wrote, during his time abroad, he strengthened his faith. "At the beginning of his mission, his connection with faith was weak, and he became a firm believer" he was a picky eater one of everyone's favorite things during the election season is what our candidates eat during the campaign. In this election season, we learned something about Romney's eating habits: one of his favorite foods is peanut butter sandwiches with honey.

He likes pizza, but insists on scraping. He likes fried chicken, but only when peeling, he likes muffins At the top, the logic is that during the cooking process, butter and unhealthy lipids have melted into the box. As Romney said many times in his campaign, he is a love fool, and his wife, ANN, is the love of his life.

During his short study at Stanford University, he spared no effort to sneak back to Michigan and saw the lovesick mitt in such a field Worried about his eccentric behavior, according to the Romney newspaper, "he drove from California to Michigan, turned up at Ann's house, sweating and diving into the pool.


关于米特·罗姆尼,你不知道他是一个兰布林人。在密歇根州布卢姆菲尔德著名的克兰布鲁克学院读书时,年轻的米特被其他汽车行业高管的儿子们包围着,尽管他们乘坐庞蒂亚克GTO和克尔维特(Corvettes)这样的嬉皮车四处游荡,但罗姆尼坚持要开一辆rambler,这是据他的前同学吉姆·贝利所说,他父亲在美国汽车公司的首席执行官任期内,【漫步者】“是全世界最不酷的车”;“一场车祸帮助他坚定了自己的信仰;尽管作为摩门教传教士,在弗朗西因的那段时间里,经历了一段坎坷的时期,除了法国当地人对摩门教不感兴趣外,罗姆尼还卷入了一场毁灭性的车祸,总统候选人反映罗姆尼差点丧命正如记者迈克尔·克拉尼什(Michael Kranish)和斯科特·赫尔曼(Scott Helman)在《真正的罗姆尼》(Real Romney)一书中写道的那样,在他出国期间,他坚定了自己的信仰,“开始他的使命时,他与信仰之间的联系很薄弱,他成了一个坚定的信徒“ 他是一个挑食者 每个人在选举季节最喜欢的东西之一是我们的候选人在竞选期间吃的东西这个选举季节,我们了解到了一些关于罗姆尼饮食习惯的东西: 他最喜欢的食物之一是花生酱三明治加蜂蜜他喜欢比萨饼,但坚持刮他喜欢吃炸鸡,但只有在剥皮的时候,他才喜欢吃松饼的顶部,逻辑是,在烹调过程中,黄油和不健康的脂类已经溶化在盒子里了,就像罗姆尼在竞选活动中多次说的那样,他是个爱的傻瓜,他的妻子安是他一生的挚爱,在他短暂的斯坦福大学学习期间,他不遗余力地溜回密歇根州,看到安相思病的米特在一次这样的场合为他古怪的行为担心,据《罗姆尼报》报道,“他开车从加州直达密歇根州,出现在安的家里,满身大汗,一头扎进游泳池里。


Farewell to a page, we write is brilliant time in a hurry, but he never missed the history of time is fleeting, but not all witnesses of Chinese history, all helpless, of course, all the bitter history has passed, never forget history, our ancestors with wisdom for us to accumulate too much honor, we live in this country used to be the East The most brilliant pearl.




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