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关于”自己身上的责任担当“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Take responsibility for yourself。以下是关于自己身上的责任担当的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Take responsibility for yourself

Whether the responsibility and responsibility of College Students' cheating should be fired has aroused heated discussion. Some people think that it is too fierce to expel college students for cheating, while others think it is reasonable. I think that college students' cheating should be expelled for cheating.

It is a moral problem, and the lack of integrity will do harm. This is a moral problem. If we lose the fairness and authenticity of the examination, we can take other examinations First of all, it is unfair.

Severe punishment can restrain people and make people afraid of making mistakes. Second, as a college student and an adult, she should be responsible for his cheating. As an adult student, she will face music, and she must be prepared for punishment.




2:,In my memory, although my hometown is a small village, it was very beautiful when I was young. I like to catch fish in the river, because I miss my hometown very much, so I can see the fish. Last week, I went back to my hometown and found that the place in my memory is not what it looks like.

The trees are not so many, the roads are getting bigger and the rivers are less I see some dead fish in the river. The water is dirty and the river is polluted too much. I can't believe that the beautiful hometown has been destroyed by pollution.

This is an ambitious result of people. They pursue profits at the cost of polluting the environment. I hope people can pay attention to protecting the environment, and they are also saving themselves.




3:自己身上的责任担当,Jane, my clothes, my clothes, my name is Jane. I am old this year. Everyone likes different clothes.

I have a pink dress. There are some flowers on the dress. The flowers are blue.

There is a bear in the middle of the flowers. Summer is lovely. I feel cool.

I like my clothes very much.




标签: 英文 九年级 作文 万能 年级

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