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关于”我最理想“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My ideal。以下是关于我最理想的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My ideal

My ideal job is to be an English teacher to teach middle school students. Those young, active and simple students can easily get on well with them, make friends with them and make me young and happy. Even if they will do something wrong, as a teacher and friend, when they progress, I can help them patiently.

I should do this. Moreover, I have three months' vacation every year Spend more time with family. In my opinion, becoming an English teacher is the only way to deal with career and family well.




2:我的理想,When I get older, what do I want to do? Some people want to be doctors, some people want to be basketball players because they are good at sports. Some people want to be a writer. In order to make writing a teacher, they like to teach children.

I like playing the piano. I'm good at piano. So I want to be a pianist.

Playing the piano is fun. You can learn some music. Piano can make you like music very much Many musicians and singers like to play the piano.

When I was ten years old, it would be more and more difficult to play the piano. Piano practice is a very difficult job, but I believe I can do it.




3:我最理想,My ideal is to be a teacher I like. How great, loving and knowledgeable I am. Slowly, I began to fall in love with my teacher.

I want to be a glorious teacher. The teacher teaches students knowledge, teaches students the truth in life, and encourages students to grow up. So many stars, professors, experts and leaders are trained teachers to see our school Our teacher works hard.

He cares about us warmly. He studies and works with us. The teacher is like our parents.

I think I will achieve my ideal.




标签: 大学 英文 作文 真题 专业

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