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关于”野营准备“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Camping preparation。以下是关于野营准备的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Camping preparation

If you want to get a good job, you should do some preparation. Success always belongs to those who are well prepared. What should you do and how to prepare to find a job here? How about your homework? Check the company's website, stock performance, annual report, familiar with the company's products and services.

An employer reported that if you don't bother preparing for an interview, he'll be caught by those who don't know the company's basics If you have any questions, take advantage of this opportunity to find out any information you can find about the job. You can also use this time to introduce any qualifications you haven't seen in your job. Dress appropriately for the interview Make the company an informal company and you'll never make a mistake.

If you wear a suit and go to an interview, relax and put on jewelry and make-up on your head, there are many ways to fail an interview. A candidate answers a mobile phone during an interview to guess if he can get the job or is not ready for the interviewer. Here are some common questions: what is your long-term career goal Why do you choose the career you are preparing for? What are your greatest strengths and what are your greatest weaknesses? Tell me yourself how your education has prepared you for your career.

What ways do you think you can contribute to our company or the three great achievements in your life? What extracurricular activities have you participated in and what you have learned? Why Looking for a job in this company, write down a mistake you made and the lesson you learned. Why should we hire you.




Everyone likes picnics, but do you know what we should prepare? Let me tell you first, we need to buy some food and drink, then we can buy some tents and sleep there. Next, we can bring our own camera, we can take pictures there. My father said that we are going to have a picnic this weekend, but I have to help my mother buy vegetables.

So, on Friday night, my mother and I went to the supermarket. My mother and I picked up blankets and then went to other workers Utensils, such as baskets, dishes, etc. Finally, we bought food, but this is what I want to buy most.

I picked out a lot of my favorite food and snacks, a lot of meat. I'm glad to bring so many things home. Tomorrow's picnic must be great.




The advantage is: you can make different friends in different languages and religions. You can get more high paid jobs and learn more than others. The disadvantages are: it's very strange to this country, it's difficult to communicate with others, and it's hard to establish new friendship.




标签: 英文 翻译 三年级 作文 真题

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