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关于”给朋友的一封祝贺信“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A congratulatory letter to a friend。以下是关于给朋友的一封祝贺信的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A congratulatory letter to a friend

john Dear Mr. Smith, congratulations on your recent promotion to the position of deputy general manager of ABC Trading Company. We have worked closely with you in the past ten years.

We know that you are very qualified for this important position. You have been promoted through many years of hard work. We are very glad to see your real ability recognized again.

Congratulations And I wish you continued success, sincerely you, blank Lee import manager.


john smithabcdeputy董事总经理推荐信亲爱的史密斯先生,祝贺您最近被提升为abc贸易公司的副总经理,因为我们在过去xx年中与您密切合作,我们知道您非常有资格担任这一重要的职位,您通过多年的努力获得了晋升,而且我们很高兴看到你的真本事再次获得认可,祝贺并祝你继续取得成功真诚的你,空白李进口经理。


Dear Li Lei, I am writing to express my heartfelt congratulations on your graduation from high school and your admission to Peking University. I know you've worked very hard in the past few years, so I'm really glad to see your efforts paid off. I believe your parents are very proud of you.

I just want you to know how happy I am for you. The success of Peking University is a new beginning for you. It gives you a good opportunity to learn from top professors.

It's good for you to study with so many excellent students Well, they will give you motivation to study hard. I wish you greater success in your university and a happy and fruitful life in the next four years. I am writing to express my warmest congratulations on your winning the first prize in the English competition for middle school students in the Olympic Games.

I know your English has always been very good, you are often praised by our English teacher, and you are always the first in our class, so I am very surprised that you can become the champion of this competition. However, in my opinion, this competition is very difficult, so I admire you more and more. Once again, I sincerely congratulate you Congratulations, Mandy.

Please accept my warmest greetings, I hope your future will be brilliant, I hope your love will be sweet, I hope your happiness will be eternal, I hope your dream will come true, your sincerity, Mike.



我知道你的英语一直很好,你经常得到我们英语老师的表扬,而且总是在我们班的第一名,所以我很惊讶你能成为这项比赛的冠军然而,在我看来,这场比赛是非常困难的,所以我越来越敬佩你再次真诚地祝贺你 曼迪,因此,我向你致以衷心的祝贺。请接受我最热烈的问候,我希望你的未来会辉煌,我希望你的爱情将是甜蜜的我希望你的幸福将是永恒的我希望你的梦想将实现,你的真诚,迈克。


I am very glad that you can continue to work hard in the new environment, I also hope you can succeed in the new environment, our hearts are connected, please keep in touch with me, I often recall our high school life, we stayed together, played together, studied together, we enjoyed each other's company, we have always maintained friendship, until now I learned from you Many, even today, I often remember how hard you studied. You told me that you are determined to become an economist. Now you begin to realize your dream.

Your success tells me that your efforts will pay off. Your example is a constant encouragement to me. Congratulations again.




标签: 英文 四年级 作文 万能 年级

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