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关于”介绍新西兰“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduce new zealand。以下是关于介绍新西兰的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce new zealand

Dear Mr. Smith, thank you for your help in New Zealand. I'm really glad to be with you all summer.

Now that I'm in China, I miss you very much. The days in New Zealand seem to be the happiest day in my life. I really enjoy the time with you.

I am looking forward to coming there again, so that I can bring you some interesting stories and things in China. I really want to be friends with you. Thank you again for your help, Li Hua, these days.




Wellington / wellington / is the capital and the second largest population city of New Zealand. It is located in the southwest end of North Island, with an area of square kilometers and a population area of square kilometers. Auckland is the most populous area in New Zealand.

The largest Polynesian settlement center in the world is the largest port, port and airport in China. It is a clean and pollution-free city. Most of the urban construction is some Wooden bungalow, located in the east of Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand, is also known as "garden city".

Its population is the third largest city in New Zealand. Christchurch, the largest city on South Island of New Zealand, is friendly with Wuhan City in China. There are many cultural exchanges between the two cities.




Queenstown is close to the South Alps. It was once famous for its gold rush. It is a tourist attraction in New Zealand with complete tourist facilities and convenient transportation.

It is a good place for fishing, water skiing and rafting. There are various shops, authentic crafts and exquisite jewelry. There are many Chinese restaurants.

Mount Eden is very popular with tourists. Mount Eden is located about kilometers south of the city center. It is the fire of an extinct volcano There is a pavilion on the top of the mountain overlooking the vast scenery.

It is a good place to overlook the city. In addition, you can also visit the remains of the century Maori fortress. The terrace on the top of the mountain has a wide view and is a perfect place to overlook the city.

In addition, you can visit the remains of Maori strongholds in Century Sky City + bus. Skytower is located in the center of Auckland, with a height of meters. It is the standard building in Auckland and the tallest building in the southern hemisphere.

It is integrated with other buildings to form New Zealand's largest casino, ten restaurants and bars, star hotels, theatres and many unique tourism and adventure activities. It also has a huge underground parking lot and an intercity bus terminal. The harbour bridge connects Auckland's busiest port, the north and south banks of whitimata port.

It is a spectacular landscape with a columnar mast anchored at the Oakland boat club, Michi. New Zealand's Pacific Rim cuisine is influenced by Europe, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Polynesia, and is available in cafes and restaurants across Japan and Vietnam. The art and culture of New Zealand is derived from all races and integrates Maori characteristics.

The Maori people in Europe, Asia and Oceania have rich and active cultures and maintain long-term contact with the spiritual and natural world. They use the special "Mishi" (greeting: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0.






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