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关于”幽默感是有用“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A sense of humor is useful。以下是关于幽默感是有用的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A sense of humor is useful

It is useful and necessary to discuss learning habits it is useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. Different students have different learning habits, which has a great impact on their learning efficiency. Good habits can always bring high efficiency.

On the contrary, some students are good at concentrating on listening to the teacher. They think that only in this way can they better understand and memorize the teaching materials. If we find these materials interesting, they will be able to better understand and memorize the teaching materials We'll focus on them, but those boring classes require determination, self-control and self-confidence.

My classmates always call me "Mr. forgetfulness" because I can't remember what I've learned. I know it's because I don't take time to remember after class.

My teacher suggested that I repeat the material several times and read it aloud. They thought it would help improve my memory.


: 讨论学习习惯是有用的和必要的 讨论学习习惯是有用和必要的,不同的学生有不同的学习习惯,这对他们的学习效率有很大的影响,好的习惯总是能带来高效率,不好的反而相反,有些学生善于集中精力听老师讲课,他们认为只有这样他们才能更好地理解和记忆教材,如果我们发现这些材料有趣,我们会把注意力集中在他们身上,但是那些枯燥的课需要我们下定决心,自我控制能力和自信我的同学总是叫我“健忘先生”,因为我记不住我学过的东西。我知道这是因为我课后没有花时间去记忆。我的老师建议我把这些材料重复几遍,大声朗读,他们认为这样有助于提高我的记忆力。


Since we went to school, teachers have taught us to be a better person. They told us that we must study hard so that we can be useful people. Many students are confused about what is useful people.

In my opinion, useful people must have good advantages. A good person is everyone's favorite. He has the consciousness of serving others.

Bad people will bring danger to others Even those who are useful to the society, the most important thing is to make contributions to the society. They will make full use of their knowledge and be proud of serving the society. Premier Zhou said that the purpose of learning knowledge is for the rise of the country.

He has done it. He has become a great man. It is not easy to become a useful person.

We should strive for it.




Last summer, we went to a lake with my grandmother. My grandmother and I went swimming in the lake. I played on the beach.

This summer I think we will travel to the seaside. I will play agani on the beach. This summer vacation is so fast.

I am looking forward to the next summer vacation.




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