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关于”有趣的纪录片“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Interesting documentary。以下是关于有趣的纪录片的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Interesting documentary

You want a frustrated dictation repeat what you hear / OK, Sarah, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you, Jack Ross? You're dancing, I'm dancing Titanic roses. A woman's heart is a secret ocean. Sarah has a crush on someone.

No matter how you practice making perfect friends, I've conquered Sarah's friends. You have to believe it.


你希望失意的听写重复你听到的/好吧莎拉你怎么了你怎么了你怎么了你怎么了杰克·罗斯你跳了,我跳泰坦尼克号玫瑰一个女人的心是一个秘密的海洋莎拉^^对某人有一种迷恋不管怎样练习结交完美的朋友我cameI sawI征服了萨拉的朋友你必须相信。


I am a sports fan. Basketball, table tennis and badminton are all my favorite sports. Basketball is my favorite sport because it brings me happiness.

When I put on my sports jacket and run in the basketball match, I have a feeling of freedom. I keep the free blue sky, white clouds, sunshine and fresh air. I can't bear to bubble on my head when I'm in the ball When playing basketball rhythmically on the court, it makes the sound of "bang, bang, bang", which inspires people.

Whenever I get rid of the attack of the other side and firmly enter the basket, there will be a kind of joy and happiness. When the "bang, bang" of the ball and the "squeak" sound of shoes and ground grinding, the "squeak" sound is interwoven, which sounds like a symphony and makes me intoxicated I love basketball, I love basketball, because it can make me happy and bring me happiness. I often play basketball with my classmates.

What's more interesting is that I play basketball together with my classmates and feel happy. We are free in our hands, because we play very skillfully. Now, because our strength is not enough, so these three points are almost the same.

I have to practice more and exercise to have a good body.




Documentary is my favorite TV program. I like it for many reasons. First of all, it covers a lot of topics, such as history, geography, animals, celebrities and so on.

Although it is not as interesting as comics, it tells me so much that I won the first prize in last month's school knowledge contest. So I decided that I would go. When I grow up, I should apologize for my poor English.

Maybe you can do better.




标签: 英文 三年级 作文 年级 满分

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