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关于”跟外教交流“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Communicate with foreign teachers。以下是关于跟外教交流的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Communicate with foreign teachers

The good news is that our school has hired a foreign teacher to teach us English once a week. We were very curious about him. Although we had studied English for many years, when the teacher came in, we never had a chance to talk to foreigners.

The girls screamed because he looked very young and handsome. His name was Nick. He came from London and had a local accent.

We liked his class very much. We could do a lot of things. The discipline was not so strict, Nick It's funny.

He makes us laugh. He's a good teacher.




In China, students have to learn English when they are in middle school. It is said that students begin to learn English from primary school. It can be seen that in today's society, English is very important for the young generation, and it is very important to master a foreign language.

Therefore, parents attach great importance to the English education of their children. They are considering hiring foreign teachers. This is the general trend of foreign language education, and employing foreign teachers for students When students and foreigners speak English, compared with Chinese teachers, they can get used to foreign accents.

Foreign teachers can bring letters to students, and employ a foreigner can also expose students to foreign culture. Foreign teachers always show students the culture of their own country, so that students can better understand English. Foreign teachers are conducive to students' learning.




My foreign teacher and my foreign teacher are from him, he is a good man, we are very good friends. She is very humorous, so when I was with him, I think my spoken English has proved to be very grateful to him. In addition to my foreign teacher can help me study, he is a kind person.

When I am in a bad mood, he can always cheer me up. For a long time, my grades are very poor. When he learned this through our conversation, I lacked confidence.

He gave me an example of him in school. I learned a lot from him. I have to say that he is really kind Yu cheer for others, he is not only my teacher, but also my good friend.




标签: 小学 作文 万能 外教 范文

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