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Never say death, don't be too old to learn, never too late to climb, no crown, no garden without weeds, 5 no living people, all things can't be 6 one person can do two things at the same time 7 no one is born smart, 8 no one is satisfied 9 no one is smart, no one is more deaf than those who can't hear pain, there is no happiness without pain There is no sweat, no sweetness, no bravery. There is nothing in the world that is difficult for a person who wants to pursue it. For travelers, there is nothing more needed than language.

Everything is easy to get, but boftini does not go forward is to go back, do not know what happened before he was born, always a child, there is no way is impossible to have courage.




Peter is a little boy, his parents are busy with their work, so one day he is usually very lonely. Peter is sitting alone in the garden playing. He hopes that suddenly a friend can play with him.

Peter sees a purple fairy sitting on a rose. "Hi, I'm Peter. Who are you?" asked Peter.

"I'm a fairy named Sarah," the fairy said, "Hi, Sarah Would you like to be my friend and play with me? "Peter asked." yes, "I'd love to," Sarah replied, then sat on Peter's lap and happily talked about her fairyland. "My motherland has many beautiful flowers. I like to ride on the wind and play with Pegasus," Sarah said.

"That's great." Peter said they became good friends, but Sarah needed to go home, so that's why "Don't be sad, Peter." I'll pray for your happiness. I'll come to see you one day, "Sarah said." I'll miss you, Sarah. "Peter said Peter was glad he had a fairy friend.




A blonde, a brunette, a redhead all work in the same office for a woman boss who always comes home early. "Hey, girls," said the brunette, "let's go home early tomorrow, she'll never know," so the next day, they'll leave as soon as the boss is done. The brunette did some extra gardening work.

The redhead went to a bar, and then the blonde came home and found her husband had sex with the boss. She slipped out of the house and came back at the usual time. "That's fun," the brunette said, "we should do it again sometime." "no way," the blonde said, "I almost got caught."                                                            .


一个金发,一个黑发,一个红发都在同一个办公室为一个总是早早回家的女老板工作。“嘿,姑娘们,”黑发女人说,“我们明天早点回家吧,她永远不会知道的”,所以第二天,她们都会在老板做完后马上离开。黑发女人做了些额外的园艺工作,红发女郎去了一家酒吧,然后金发女郎回家后发现丈夫和女老板有性关系,她悄悄溜出家门,在平常的时间回来“那很有趣,”黑发女人说,“我们应该找个时间再做一次”“没门,”金发女郎说,“我差点被抓住了”,                                                               。


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