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关于”中西方文化差异“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Cultural differences between China and the West。以下是关于中西方文化差异的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cultural differences between China and the West

: Culture America adheres to the rules China adheres to cultural "name" "work hard, play hard" "get the last word" "have a good time" "New Mexico National Geographic Society Public stepfather or mother normal party bar club transporter:: | ufcko.


:文化美国坚持规则中国坚持文化“名字”“努力工作,努力玩”“得到最后一句话”“玩得开心”“新墨西哥州国家地理学会公共继父或母亲正常派对酒吧俱乐部运输商::::| UFCKO。


We know that there are too many differences between eastern and Western cultures. I can't enumerate their different aspects one by one. I'll focus on the differences in eating habits and teaching system so that you can understand them better.

I'll give examples of China and the United States. There is no doubt that Chinese people use chopsticks as a tradition, but Americans prefer forks and knives. This difference results from the fact that they like to eat different foods, such as steak, bread and salad, while the Chinese choose noodles, pancakes and rice.

The Chinese tea drinking custom and the American coffee drinking custom are particularly prominent. However, the food in both countries tends to be mixed. For example, coffee and bread are introduced to KFC in China, which is very popular among children, China and the United States There is a big gap in China's teaching system.

Chinese students always complain that they have too much homework, which limits the time for exercise and relaxation. They have to recite a lot of things to get high marks. Homework is their first priority.

They think that learning in the United States is more interesting. Teachers pay more attention to the cultivation of students' thinking ability in real life, rather than the importance of memory, There are also great differences in the school attendance rate, teaching salary and the work of members of the church. It should be said that the Qima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching system.

I also look forward to the day when the West cheers our country more.




Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience, but Asian students are not. They face heavy workload and are often very self disciplined in the first stage of globalization. China's standardized examination has a long history.

The ancient imperial examination began in the Sui Dynasty. Shanghai foreign language school is one of the best middle schools in Shanghai. Her English is nearly fluent.

She is studying German, and her physics scores are among the best. Her goal is to receive a full scholarship from Harvard University to study biochemistry. It's not just Western expatriates who hear about British students like shellyth, politicians, parents and pundits worried that the diligence and discipline of Eastern children has left the relatively relaxed Westerners behind.

Although there is still some debate about statistics, it is generally believed that North America has not produced enough science and engineering graduates, and Chinese students are taught that there is only one problem There is little room for American education to get rid of the emphasis on fun, flexibility and individualized learning, rather than towards a more rigorous and disciplined teaching environment. Especially mathematics and science seem to require such a change. Even in Canada, there is no college entrance examination, and standardized examinations, memory and rote learning have long been unpopular Welcome.





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