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关于”新年的古诗“的英语句子5个,句子主体:Ancient poetry of the new year。以下是关于新年的古诗的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ancient poetry of the new year

1、The establishment of "modern Chinese verse" has provided a stage for the probable development of the poetic pattern for new verse. 新诗先脱“古典”之身而成幽灵,再得“现代”之体而寻典律——“现代汉诗”的确立,为新诗的诗体建设,提供了可能的平台。

2、Guo Moruo has "ChantsMarble" the poem: "Three towers are high ancient, along thinksLoyalView year. 郭沫若有《咏大理石》诗:“三塔矜高古,顺思贞观年。

3、Jinkemu poetry pays great attention to the subject of "image", choose for today, reflects the 1930s poetry "modern" typical. 金克木的诗歌注重对主客体交融的“意象”选用,化古为今,反映了xx年代典型的现代“诗情”。

4、These lines belong in a poem about 1,500 years older, contemporary with our St Augustine. 这两句诗的作者是大约xx年之前的一位诗人,他与我们的圣奥古斯丁(St Augustine)处于同一时代。

5、He has won the Liu Li'an Poetry Award, Rougang Poetry Award, Tomorrow- Erguna Poetry Award and an award for the top ten new poets. 他历获“刘丽安诗歌奖”,“柔刚诗歌奖”,“明天—额尔古纳诗歌双年奖”和十大新诗人奖。

6、Chinese classical poetry; Japanese Haiku; the Imagist Poetry Movement; Chinese New Poetry Movement; Translation; Reformation; Cultural Communication; 中国古典诗歌; 日本俳句; 意象主义诗歌; 白话诗; 翻译; 革新; 文化交流;

7、The first half of the 20th century, especially the first and second decades, is the worst period of the construction of poetic style of new poetry. 20世纪前半期,特别是xx年代,是新诗诗体建设最重要的时期,最能呈现出新诗诗体建设生态的恶劣。

8、The first chapter newly defines the connotations and denotations of the old discipline: "the poetics". 第一章重新界定了“诗学”这一古老学科的内涵与外延。

9、Du fu, ancient Chinese poetry history one of the greatest poets. 杜甫,中国古代诗歌史上最巨大的诗人之一。

10、A very good ancient poem! 很不错的一首古体诗!

11、Grieved poem have the nature quality of poem which have aesthetic feeling. There are lots of sad and gentle poems in China's classical poems. 中国古典诗歌中哀婉的诗颇多,情思哀婉的诗尤具诗性的美。

12、Her poetic works have been published in 3 poetry collections over the past 7 years. xx年前,她入读老年大学专攻古典文学诗词,近xx年来已出版3本诗集,目前正着手撰写回忆录。

13、Under the new round of curriculum reform, the teaching of Ancient Poetry requires more skills. 新一轮的课程改革,对古诗文教学提出了更高的要求。

14、Chapter Five discusses the poetics significance of the Banquet Poetry of Mid-Ancient Times. 第五章:探讨中古公宴诗的诗学意义。

15、Reasoning-and-interesting poems, also called philosophical poems, are one type of Chinese ancient poems. 理趣诗又名哲理诗,是中国古代诗歌的一种类型。

16、It2 was the oldest of all holidays. 新年是最古老的节日。

17、Poetry is fond of flos mume, flower and moon; “诗写梅花月,茶煎古雨春”是古雨春人的理想。

18、The new verse flourishes and develops in both China and Korea after the classical verse experiencing a process from prosperity to decline. 中国和韩国的古典诗歌都经历了一个由盛而衰的过程,代之而起的是新诗的繁荣和发展。

19、There are lots of sad and gentle poems in Chinas classical poems. 中国古典诗歌中哀婉的诗颇多,情思哀婉的诗尤具诗性的美。

20、The mainartistic features of ZhaoYi's poems are the pursuit of new ideas in arts and the strong rational faculty. 追求创新与浓重的理性因素是赵翼诗歌艺术特色的主要特点,本文从“奄有古人之长”而“自为赵诗”;

21、I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed 东风夜放花千树,更吹落,星如雨。

22、From the angle of song poem art, we may also make a new research about other archaic song poems of China. 而相和歌辞理解的歌诗艺术视野,也启示我们对中国古代的其他歌诗艺术进行新的思考和研究。

23、"Flavor", as the core of Chinese classical Shilun, is a classical poetry theory with distinct national features. “味”是中国古典诗论的核心范畴,是富有鲜明民族特色的古典诗歌理论。

24、His most recent poetry book is Amorous Poems, finished in 2004. 杨炼最新之作为xx年完成的艳情诗集《艳诗》。

25、He won the annual award of poetry 2003 and Top 10 excellent poets. 获“2003•中国年度诗歌奖”、 “中国当代十大新锐诗人”等奖项。


26、Wang Kai Yun' Poetics is classical and different from the common custom poetics. 湘绮诗学是一个与世俗诗学不同的古典诗学思想体系。

27、Chivalry Poetry is a highlight in ancient Chinese poetry, which reached the peak in Prosperous Tang Dynasty. 咏侠诗是中国古代诗歌中的一股强音,而盛唐又是中国古代诗歌的顶峰。

28、Rippon's Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes (Various). voices. Classical. 里彭的选择诗篇和赞美诗曲调(各种)。 声音。 古典。

29、Poetry: " moisturizes things in silence." 古诗云:“润物细无声”。

30、Zhu Zhiqing's research methods in classic literature are the classical verses, the comments of classical verses and the scriptures in the ancient times. 朱自清古典文学研究方法集中在三个方面:古典诗歌、古典诗论和古代经典。

31、Kenneth Rexroth translated and studied Chinese classical poems for many years. 多年来,肯尼斯·雷克思罗斯一直在翻译、研究中国古典诗歌。

32、Restoring to classical style or bringing forth the new one, Ming poets tries to find the true poetry lost but in vain. 尽管明代主流诗人或力倡复古,或力主创新,企图找回失落的“真诗” ,但也未能改变明诗平庸的面貌。

33、New Year affection: kiss by. It… 吴晓科哲学诗新年情:亲受的。你真好…

34、Seven-word chanting poetry was a popular poetic form used by ancient Chinese poets. 七言歌行是古代诗人常用的一种诗体。

35、Wang's main poetic ideas include "Sheng poem" with poetic favar, Three-School Poetry with ancient preface and "praising and satirizing". 他的诗学思想主要有“笙诗”声存诗逸、三家《诗》皆有古序和“美刺”。

36、For instance, my dad doesn't like new-styled peoms, which significantly affected by Western peoms, although he's written thousands of ancient-styled peoms. 比如,尽管我爸写过数千首古体诗,但他对受西方影响严重的新体诗不屑。

37、The examination of the essence of Wang Anshi's poetry and proses from the perspective of creative thinking attempts to uncover the secrets of the popularity of his works. 从创新思维的角度探讨王安石诗文的精髓,以揭示王安石诗文千古不衰的秘密。

38、The key to the problems in Chinese a-hundred-year poetic style of modern poetry construction can be found in the emerging process of Chinese modern poetry. 百年中国新诗诗体建设中的许多问题,都可以从中国新诗发生之中寻找到深层的答案。

39、Utilitarianism is prevailing in the modern Parnassus. His cognition about the internal constitution of poem is the embodiment of aesthetic pursuit of modern poets. 在诗歌功利主义思想盛行的近代诗坛,他对古典诗歌本体思想的认识,体现了近代诗人对古典诗歌的美学追求。

40、Don't show fang Buddha smile, how to eliminate this time. 《生查子·元夕》

41、She completed a second edition of Poems, as well as Casa Guidi Windows (1851), Poems before Congress (1860), and her well known 19)verse-novel, Aurora Leigh (1856). 伊丽莎白完成了《诗篇》的第二版、《加萨古伊迪之窗》(xx年)、《议会前的诗篇》(xx年),以及著名的诗体小说《奥罗拉·利》(xx年)。

42、Imagery and artistic conception function as the soul of classical Chinese poems as well as the standard for aesthetic appraisement. “意象”和“意境”是中国古典诗歌的灵魂,也是古诗的审美评价标准。

43、Yu Ou Collection" is one of the latest issued collection of ancient poetry which spans 154 years." 《馀沤集》是最新出版的一本古体诗词集,收集的诗词跨度1 xx年。

44、Ancient poetry word middle have the verse "translating" the sum "day lily"? 古诗词中有“译”和“萱”的诗句么?

45、Dara Wier's new book Selected Poems was published by Wave Books on September 1, 2009… 达拉-维尔的新诗集《诗选》xx年xx月xx日由波浪书局出版。

46、Xie Tiaos poems in the Yongming style signified a cleansing innovation to the landscape poetry in old style represented by Xie the senior. 谢永明体诗,是对以大谢为代表的古体山水诗的“减肥”更新。

47、Select the classical complex, respectively, pastoral, classical elements of three perspectives, discusses the neo-classical poetry of thought and emotional content. 分别选取古典情结、山水田园、古典元素三个视角,论述了新古典主义诗歌的思想与情感内涵。

48、The ancient “Book of Songs” needs to be reinterpreted for the young people. 对青年人来说,古代的《诗经》需要做新的解释。

49、This classical poem is hard to understand. 这首古诗很费解。

50、Keeping and Developing the Stylistic Tradition of Chinese Poems in Their Modern Translations [J]. Chinese Social Sciences, 2006 (2). 论文《论古诗今译中汉语诗体传统的继承和发展》,《中国社会科学》xx年第2期;


51、Guo Moruo "Yong-marble" Poetry: Ko Ko Jin three towers, to think of Zhenguan years. 郭沫若有《咏大理石》诗:三塔矜高古,回思贞观年。

52、The year 1980 was the essential transitional time of New Poetry development, and the Nanning Conference was held in spring of the year. xx年是新诗发展的关键转折期,这xx年春天召开的南宁诗会是建国后首次专门针对新诗举行的全国性大型学术讨论会。

53、The author points out that a special kind of rhy… 指出丘诗在七言古诗存在一种特别的押韵样式。

54、My sleeves of festival dress are wet with tears. 去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。

55、Next, the author illustrates both the employment and the function of metaphors in ancient Chinese poetry and interprets the skills being adopted in the translation practice. 以中国古诗为载体,探讨了古汉语诗歌中隐喻的使用及其功能,并系统阐述了古汉语诗歌翻译实践中隐喻翻译的策略和技巧;

56、Part IV discusses the significance of neo-classical poetry and limits. 第四部分论述了新古典主义诗歌的意义与限度。

57、Though his only collection of poems Floating Clouds, belong to the modern, they grow from the same root of the Chinese ancient poetry. 其唯一诗集《流云》,虽是新体诗,却同中国古典诗歌一系根须。

58、Zhuxiang who emphasized "returning to the ancients " in poetry writing strategies, has integrated resources of traditional and west poetries. 在诗歌的写作策略上,朱湘着重的是“复古”趋向选择,对传统诗歌和西方诗歌进行了资源的整合与创新。

59、The author points out that a special kind … 指出丘诗在七言古诗存在一种特别的押韵样式。

60、Study of Classical Poetry, written by Professor Li Wei, has attained a new discovery of poetic art and opened a new approach to its study from the viewpoint of philosophy and a new angle. 李娓教授的《古体诗歌艺术研究》以诗情道性阐说的方式达到了诗歌艺术本原的新发现,从哲学的高度和新的角度开辟了古典诗歌研究的新途径。

61、The capital guards does not work tonight, the drum will not urge the people back home. 火树银花合,星桥铁锁开。

62、See people last year, tears wet spring shirt sleeve. 《青玉案·元夕》

63、Years ago the ancient Chang'an, the new millennium Xi'an. 千年前的古长安,千年后的新西安。

64、Chapter three indicates that in the future, the promising research will combine poetic theory tradition with poetry text interpretation. It can bring new vital force to old Chinese Ancient poetics. 第三章指出诗艺诗学的前景在于将诗论传统与诗歌文本阐释结合起来,使得古老的中国诗学传统重新获得生命力,也是实现诗论研究的最终归宿。

65、As far as preparatory strategies are concerned, the teaching aim of ancient poetry and prose should be aesthetics at the core and aesthetic experience as the feature. 就古诗文教学准备策略而言,应确立以审美为核心、以审美为古诗文教学的切入口、以审美体验为特征的古诗文教学目标。

66、Ye spurned the boy who gave you ancient lays. 你们把给你们古诗的青年一脚踢开。

67、Learn and memorize ancient Chinese poems. 学习和背诵中国古诗。

68、The poetry written by ambassador to North of the two Songs, is a new poetry theme which produced under a particular history background in poetry history of ancient China. 两宋使北诗是中国古代诗歌史上,在特定的历史背景下应运而生的新的诗歌题材。

69、It is normal to put new words in old poem in the history of China poetry. 在中国诗歌史上,以新词入诗之举,古已有之。

70、But, in fact, it tells us the developing fact of XingPoem before ShiJing. It is important material for researching the national characteristics of China ancient poems. 与《诗经》兴诗相比,《周易》兴诗更为古朴,它客观上展示了《诗经》前兴诗的发展轨迹,是研究我国远古歌谣民族特色的重要文献材料。

71、The concept of "slight pause" comes from the break made in reading unpunctuated ancient writings. 新诗诗律论中的“顿”概念来源于古代表示顿歇意思的“句读”概念和“顿”概念。

72、Neo-classical poetry creators of classical poetry from the Arts draw nutrients for modern poetry, embodied in the form of poetry, rhythm, technique and so on. 新古典主义诗歌的创作者们从古典诗艺中为现代诗汲取养分,具体体现在诗歌的形式、节奏韵律、技法等方面。

73、In more than 60 years of his career as an artist, He Jingzhi created a large number of new opera (including Yangko opera), new poetry, "new ancient poetry" and songs. 在六十余年的文艺生涯中,贺敬之创作了大量的新歌剧(包括秧歌剧)、新诗、“新古体诗词”、歌词。

74、His New and Selected Poems was published by Houghton Mifflin and won the 2005 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. 他的《新诗及诗选》由霍汤-密夫林出版社出版并获xx年金斯莱-塔夫特诗歌奖。


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