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关于”提出建议的句型“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Suggest Sentence Patterns。以下是关于提出建议的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suggest Sentence Patterns


1、It also concludes the problems existing in the expansion of built-up area and gives some reasonable suggestions.


2、We can't take your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it.


3、Based on issues of the ETR reform, it is suggested that the Strategic ETR should be the direction of Chinas ETR reform. As a conclusion, the reform on the ETR should be taken by steps.


4、Finally it discusses the countermeasures of accelerating town construction and development for Longhui.


5、Many of these suggestions are gazetted but not enforced.


6、Gener. ate, . prioritize, and make recommendations for new product acquisi. tion ideas.


7、Weve made our proposal, so the balls in their court now.


8、We can't take your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for putting it.

鉴于上述情况, 我们提出以下建议。

9、In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following proposals.


10、For the grey background, Pantone Warm Grey

1 C is suggested.


11、The employers made a new offer ( ie of a rise in wages) to the work-force.

记住提出建议的另一种方法:Why don't you .

12、Remember another way to make a suggestion: Why don't you . . . ? / Why don't you . . .? e.g.

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14、Some suggestions for utilization of the healthful plants were put forward.


15、Based on these findings, the study not only gives some suggestions for tourism managers and government in Penghu, but also supports research orientation for future researchers.


16、Finally, suggestions for effective management and conservation of purple swamphen are presented.


17、A lattice-based authentication protocol model for multi-domain was proposed.


18、And then related views and suggestions have been put forward on the compiling of the dictionary of ancient Chinese characters.


19、It also present suggestions of how to improve the NSFC work.


20、You can also suggest better Webpages for a particular search.

21、Is there someone to whom you can turn to for advice?有没有你可以指望的人来为你提出建议呢?

22、In the last, we give some suggestions to raise their continuation property.最后,提出了提升淮河流域农业可持续发展能力的对策与建议。

23、The article concludes by presenting suggestions on China's development of radioactive medicine.最后对我国发展放射医学提出了建议。

24、Moreover, some suggestions for the adjustment of agro-industrial structure in Gansu Province were proposed.提出了农业产业结构调整的一些建议。

25、Some suggestions are made with reference to UKs experiences according…同时结合我国国情,提出借鉴英国经验的几点建议。

英文句子26:,26、In the last part, I give some suggestions to the construction of the corroboration rule against the problems.最后针对本文提出的问题,在结论中对我国补强证据规则的构建提出了若干意见与建议。

27、A suggestion was given for the innovation of condenser of home-made 300MW turbine.提出了国产300MW机组凝汽器改造的建议。

28、Meanwhile, some relative suggestions have been given for some problems presented in the process of application of behavior guide teaching in the vocational colleges.同时,针对行为引导型教学法在职业院校实施过程中出现的一些问题,提出了相应建议。

29、At last, it puts forward some suggestions for it…最后,提出了进一步扩大甘肃省劳务输转的建议。

30、Some advice of textile machinery enterprise for several problems is proposed.并就使用中出现的一些问题对纺机生产企业提出了建议。

31、And some suggestions for the improvement of test process are presented.并对击实试验尚须改进之处提出建议。

32、Proposals for development of the oxygen-enriched blast technique are made as well.还对发展富氧鼓风技术提出了建议。

33、This study is based on the result of study and discussion and provides reference for counselors in elementary school and community counseling institutions for practical application.本研究根据研究结果与讨论,提出建议及对未来研究提出进一步具体建议,供国小及社区谘商辅导机构或人员参酌。

34、Remember the easy way to make a suggestion, using Let’s . . . / Let’s . . . e.g.记住提出建议的简单方法是用Let’s . /让我们 .

35、Alec also offers advice for when relationships don’t work out so well.亚历克对于相处不顺的情况也提出了建议。

36、Remember another way to make a suggestion: Why don’t you . . . ? / Why don’t you . . .? e.g.记住提出建议的另一种方法:Why don’t you .

37、Suggestions on China plastics machinery industry are also provided.并对发展我国塑料机械制造工业提出了自己的建议。

38、METHODS:Combining with practical working experiences, multi-points of view were proposed.方法:结合工作实践,从多角度提出建议。

39、Ask each senior to put forward the better suggestion to revolve speech room!请各位师兄提出更好的建议来运转语音室!

40、Some suggestions concerning the super-vision and administration are offered.提出了抓好矿产品运销环节的监督管理的建议。

41、Furthermore, the problems in bracings inspection were pointed out and suggestions proposed.指出在支柱检验工作中存在的问题,并提出了建议。

42、Of course, I welcome suggestions from more décor-savvy readers.当然,我欢迎在装饰方面很有学问的读者提出建议。

43、Meanwhile this article gives the suggestions on marketing channels integrating to China transceiver enterprises.以建伍公司为例提出了专业对讲机营销渠道变革和整合的建议。

44、Some suggestions in design of battened plate beam are provided.提出了在做该类结构设计时应注意的问题和建议。

45、And the suggestion on design construction and supervise of planted bar are brought up.对植筋的设计、施工和验收提出建议。

46、Combined with the regional traffic plan in Xuhui District, several suggestions are given.结合徐汇区的区域交通规划,提出若干建议。

47、It also sets out proposals for post-project review of the project's products.它也对项目产品的项目后评估提出建议。

48、Here are some of the recommendations from NRDC and the Garrison Institute.以下是一些NRDC和驻军研究所提出的部分建议。

49、At last, the article is to raise the conclusion and advice concerning the thesis.并于文章最后提出结论与建议。

50、In the end, some suggestions for reducing deformation of embankment were proposed.最后,对如何减小路堤变形提出了建议。

经典英文句子51:提出建议的句型,51、Results: The suggestion of consultation was accepted by physician.结果:药师提出的会诊意见和建议被临床医师接受。

52、Besides, it brings forward some suggestion to the further research on diesel lubricity.并对柴油润滑性的研究方向提出了建议。

53、Hence, we advanced several suggestions aimed at smoothening grain production fluctuation.并据此提出了平抑粮食生产波动的几点建议。

54、Furthermore, some worthful advise is offered for the further development of Hebeis tourist.对河北省旅游业的发展提出若干建议。

55、The suggestions were also made to the development of fiber machinery industry.文章还对化纤机械工业的发展提出建议。

56、Some suggestions to develop the force limited technology in domestic were put forward at last.最后提出了发展我国力控技术的建议。

57、On the advice of the Committee, the WHO Director-General decided on the following.根据委员会提出的建议,世卫组织总干事做出如下决定

58、“Put your mind at ease,” she advised students preparing for their interview.她对准备面谈的学生提出建议说:"心情要放松。

59、He proposed half a dozen accords in such areas as culture, post and communications.邮电和通讯领域提出了六项建议。

60、Chapter 第四章为北京出版业版权经理人队伍建设提出意见建议。

4 puts forward some advices to solve the problems in the construction of copyright managers.

61、Some potato family preserve freshness technique measures were suggested.就茄果类蔬菜贮藏保鲜技术提出措施建议。

62、Then the proposal of safty measure for fire work of oil tanks repairing.对储油罐动火维修的安全控制提出建议。

63、At the meeting, we heatedly discussed the proposal put forward by Mr. Lee.在会上我们热烈讨论了李先生提出的建议。

64、We also offer some proposals on how to realize our coil-co…并对实现彩涂板发展战略提出了建议。

65、Chapter Four puts forward further improved performance management advice.第四章就如何进一步完善绩效管理提出建议;

66、Several solution to the problem was adviced at last.分析了其危险性,并提出了几种解决的建议方案。

67、When do you start to know gooood? Any recommends?什么时候开始看谷德网的?欢迎你提出建议哦,谢谢。

68、The development status of plastic constructional materials market was introduced. The problems and its suggestions were put forward.介绍了我国塑料建材市场的发展形势,指出了存在的问题,并提出了建议。

69、His suggestion that Jiulong city must be a commercial port was strategic insight.提出了辟九龙为商埠等有战略眼光的建议。


标签: 建议

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