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关于”句型转换“的英语句子32个,句子主体:sentence pattern conversion。以下是关于句型转换的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:sentence pattern conversion


1、In other words, ageing is not only stoppable but also reversible.

整个 INSERT 语句被从客户机代码页转换到数据库代码页,然后 XMLPARSE 文档字符串被转换到 UTF-8,以便解析为 XML。

2、The whole INSERT statement is converted from the client code page to the database code page, and then the XMLPARSE document string is converted to UTF-8 for parsing into XML.


3、Analog to Digital converter, or digitizer.

这个型别转换子只能将 32 位元带正负号的整数物件与字串相互转换。

4、This type converter only can convert a 32-bit signed integer object to and from a string.


5、In intron

16 one site has transition heterozygote.


6、Use with weak typed variables to cast them as another type.


7、In this case, the integral types are converted to floating-point types.

Oracle OutsideIn 转换器在文档查看(转换为 HTML)、文档搜索(转换为 SearchText)和转换为图像中起着重要的作用。

8、The Oracle OutsideIn convertors have a major role in document viewing (conversion to HTML), document search (conversion to SearchText), and conversion to images.


9、When the wind speed is low, the ac-dc power converter uses three-leg half-controlled structure that can raise the dc-link voltage.

A 型机装了一只使扬声器兼作传声器的转换开关K4,以及一只可外接12V 电源的转换开关K3,使。

10、Model A has a switch K4 for conversion of speaker and microphone, and the switch K3 for external 12V power supply, so that the.


11、A If you want to convert a number like 65 to the letter A, you just have tell the computer "cast that int to a char."

另外,hardeep 被隐式转换为 XML 类型(xs:string)。

12、Also, hardeep was implicitly cast to XML type (xs:string).


13、Said differently, they are rolling their eyes at you. "You don't get it," they are saying behind your back.


14、Returns a type converter for the type of the specified component with a custom type descriptor.


15、The wavelength conversion mechanism and the thresholding conversion characteristics of all-optical wavelength converter based on a laser diode are described by the gain saturation effect.


16、Job-switching model indicates that, others being held constant, higher pay may lower job-switching rate of the employers.


17、Conclusion: Type-casting can be done, but with caution.



2: Forced Typecasting in Frontier::RPC

2:Frontier::RPC 中强制类型转换


19、More subtle than ranges are conversions between pointers and integers; because these conversions generally involve casts, it's hard for the compiler to tell you what you're doing wrong.

如果在应用程序代码或数据库对象中已经使用了隐式类型转换,那么在迁移到 DB2 时应该改为显式的类型转换。

20、If implicit type-casting has already been used in application code or database objects, then while migrating to DB2, you should move to explicit type-casting.

21、BC mode allows certain automatic type conversions to occur.BC 模式也允许某些自动类型转换。

22、This avoids datatype conversion overhead and possible SQL datatype mismatch errors.这会避免数据类型转换开销过高和可能的 SQL 数据类型失配错误。

23、This tag defines various types of convertors. It contains the following three types of convertors此标记定义各种类型的转换器。

24、The physical model of solution space on the structure of six-axis accelerometer with nondimensional parameters was established and changed into 2D plane by the conversion formulas.用空间模型理论建立了六维加速度传感器弹性元件无量纲尺寸的空间模型,并转换到二维平面,给出了转换公式。

25、And all-optical wavelength conversion, all-optical logics, all-optical regeneration, and all-optical format conversion are some very basic functions to realize all-optical switches.全光波长转换、全光逻辑、全光信号再生和全光码型转换等是全光交换得以实现的一些基本功能。

英文句子26:,26、Defining template(s) to convert the application's visual model into a physical model.定义要将应用的可视化模型转换成物理模型的模板。

27、A conversion from type Thread to type Object requires no run-time action;从Thread类型转换到Object类型不需要运行时的行动;

28、When you use the upcast operator, the compiler attempts to infer the type you are converting to from the context.在使用向上转换运算符时,编译器会尝试根据上下文来推断出要转换为的类型。

29、I’m not conversant with the theory behind this new fuel converter.关于这个新型燃料转换器的工作原理我不太熟悉,是什么引起的转变?

30、The results show that the types of DNA base mutation included the transition, the transversion and the deletion.结果显示:碱基变异的类型包括转换、颠换和缺失。

31、The compiler can translate occurrences of this type into type int.编译器能够把该静态类转换为int类型。

32、Converts a value of type DWORD to a value of type CHAR.转换一个DWORD类型的值到一个CHAR类型的值。

33、Store-and-forward switches store entire frames before forwarding them.存储-转发型交换机在转发帧之前存储整个帧。

34、This content is not translated on the mainframe.在大型机上这个内容不需要转换。

35、However, it allows for type conversion if possible.但是如果可能的话,它允许类型转换。

36、It is possible to convert a value type to a reference type, and back again to a value type, by using boxing and unboxing.通过 装箱和取消装箱,可以将值类型转换为引用类型,然后再转换回值类型。

37、Sequel typecasts data when it is retrieved from the database, while ActiveRecord delays typecasting until use.Sequel执行类型转换是在从数据库获取数据时就进行转换,而ActiveRecord直到使用数据时才延迟进行转换。

38、You'll need to write converters or plug-ins from your 3d model editor format into your own format.你还需要写个转换器或者插件来把3D模型编辑器的格式转换到你自己的格式。

39、The utility model of the lamp switching support is convenient for users to install and use by arranging a connection board to fix the two switching nodes.本实用新型灯具转换支架通过设置一连接板连接固定二转换接头, 方便用户安装使用。

40、These issues can be remedied by converting anonymous types to named types.可以通过将匿名类型转换为命名类型来解决这些问题。

41、Convert each of the CIM properties to the appropriate CMP field types.将每个 CIM 属性转换为适当的 CMP 字段类型。

42、Avoid data type conversions between client and database.避免客户机与数据库之间的数据类型转换。

43、The cast did succeed, but you should use a conversion routine.转换成功,但应使用转换例程。

44、A specialized form of this component works with data type conversion.这种组件的特殊形式可以处理数据类型转换。

45、Hot Cutover and Cold Cutover are combined.组合了热转换和冷转换。

46、Converting Lotus Domino data using a custom converter使用自定义转换程序转换 Lotus Domino 数据

47、MAX6675 Cold-junction compensation, thermocouple digital converter can be cold junction compensation, and K-type thermocouple signals into digital signals.MAX6675冷端温度补偿、热电偶数字转换器可进行冷端温度补偿,并将K型热电偶信号转换成数字信号。

48、Hence, you can convert your desktop into a mini-dashboard.因此,您可以将桌面转换为微型仪表板。

49、A If you want to convert a number like 65 to the letter A, you just have tell the computer "cast that int to a char."如果你要把一个像65这样的数字转换为字母,你只需要告诉计算机“把那个int型数据转换成char型处理“

50、Primitive type conversion is now performed automatically by the compiler.现在,由编译器自动地执行基元类型转换。

经典英文句子51:句型转换,51、Index bypassing during type-casting: A word of caution here is that indexes will be bypassed when an indexed column is type-cast.在类型转换期间绕过索引:这里要注意一点,当对建立了索引的列执行类型转换时,会绕过索引。

52、The new XML decomposition also has a strong type validator and type conversion engine.新的 XML 分解还具有一个强大的类型验证器和类型转换引擎。

53、This work models the transition from "ram" to "scram" propulsion.这一模型将研究从亚燃到超燃的转换。

54、Electronic Equipment: Electric Valve, Small Switcher, Lighting Adjustor.电控设备:电动阀门,小型转换器,灯光调节器。

55、This tag contains the input mime-type of the convertor.此标记包含转换器的输入 MIME 类型。

56、This tag contains the output mime-type of the convertor.此标记包含转换器的输出 MIME 类型。

57、The last is transitional positioning, including transition from monosyllabic adjectival antonyms to repeated internal structure and that from different sentence elements to external functions.其三为变异性分布,包括单音反义形容词转换成叠合式的内部结构变异,也包括不同句法成分转换的外部功能变异。

58、However, the use of convolution model is to deduce recursion formula of the reflection for the converted wave.而利用褶积模型理论解决转换波问题的关键是建立转换波反射系数递推公式。

59、For information about typecasting pointers, see Pointers and pointer types .关于对指针进行类型转换的信息,见指针和指针类型;

60、In this communication, we propose a tree-net architecture based all optical conversion scheme from binary number to its MTN form.我们提出一种基于树状网络结构的全光转换方案,可将二进制数转换为其对应的修正型三进制数。

61、Of course, the typecasting doesn't completely disappear in these cases.当然,在这些例子中,类型转换还没有完全消失。

62、The utility model relates to a multi-function lamp head conversion socket.本实用新型涉及一种多用灯头转换插座。

63、Table 下表给出一个类型转换示例。

2 shows an example of type-casting.

64、This variable is auto-initialized using the type conversion function scm_int2num.使用类型转换函数 scm_int2num 自动初始化这个变量。



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