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关于”最美的诗“的英语句子4个,句子主体:The most beautiful poem。以下是关于最美的诗的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The most beautiful poem

1、   诗人创造美 The poet creates the beauty。

2、According to their contents, the Psalms may be grouped as follows:(1) hymns of praise, (2) elegies , and (3) didactic psalms. 根据他们的内容,诗篇可归纳如下:( 1 )赞美诗赞美,( 2 )哀歌,和( 3 )教学诗篇。

3、His advocacy of "three kinds beauty"is the development of traditional poetics in aesthetics and can be regarded as the establishment of the aesthetical conceptions of modern poetry. 其诗歌“三美”的倡导,是传统诗歌理论基础在美学方向上的发展,是现代诗歌审美理念的建立;

4、Every corner of nature is a poem, and the sun in the winter is the most beautiful poem. 大自然的每一个角落都是亦真亦幻的诗,冬日里的阳光就是那最美的诗篇。

5、Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. --P. B. 诗歌是最快乐、最高尚的心灵最美好、最幸福的时刻的记录。

6、Secondly, Arthur Waley's aesthetics of poetry agrees with the orientation of Bai's poetry style; 第二,韦利诗学审美与白诗诗风取向之契合;

7、The relation between Zen and the traditional poems of china indicates that the poem absorb "Kong" of Zen, and produce the realm of clear and diaphanous in poem. 禅宗所体现出的美学思想与中国传统诗歌之间的关系,指出诗歌最终吸取了禅宗“空”观的美学意义,而创造出空灵剔透的中国诗歌意境。

8、Imagist poetry exists in both American and Chinese history of literature. 意象诗是美中两国诗歌史上一个十分相近的诗歌现象。

9、"O Fairest of the Rural Maids! " BY W. C. BRYANT. 哦,最美丽的乡下少女!(英语古诗试译)

10、In his work Siming Essays on Poetry, Xie Zhen gave his ideas on musicality of poetry from three main aspects: First, musical beauty is an essential aesthetic feature of poetry; 在《四溟诗话》中,谢榛主要从三个方面论述了诗歌音乐美的重要意义:音乐美是诗歌不可缺少的审美特征;

11、For the best verse hasn't been rhymed yet. 因为最优美的诗篇还没写成。

12、Wang's main poetic ideas include "Sheng poem" with poetic favar, Three-School Poetry with ancient preface and "praising and satirizing". 他的诗学思想主要有“笙诗”声存诗逸、三家《诗》皆有古序和“美刺”。

13、Nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope and telescope. 自然为显微镜和望远镜创作了一些她最优美的诗。

14、Liang's definition of "pure poetry" reveals its realism, its aesthetic mechanism and the aesthetic state it is trying to reach. 梁宗岱关于“纯诗”的定义,揭示了纯诗理论提出的现实性、纯诗审美发生的机制、纯诗追求的审美境界。

15、The poem beginning This world is sweet was the one he considered to be the keynote of the whole series and so he placed it at the beginning of the volume. 他认为以“这世界如此甜美”开头的那首诗是整组诗的基调,所以就把它放在这本诗集的最前面。

16、Chapter 3 is to study the aesthetic character of "the poetic environment", for example: natural landscape, implicit expression, strong emotion and space-time. 第三章从诗的自然美、含蓄美、情感美、时空美这几个典型特性来剖析诗意环境的美学特征。

17、Since love is the most romantic 、the deepest and the most tenuous poem, we are from here and end from some where unknown. 既然爱情是心里最美、最沉重和最缥缈的诗篇,就从这里开始,从未知的位置结束。

18、Pursuing beauty in poetry translation. 译诗求三美。

19、One of the first books printed in the colonies was the Bay Psalm Book, the standard hymnal of the time. 海湾圣诗集》是最早在殖民地区印刷的图书之一,它是当时的标准赞美诗集。

20、As for the translation of poems, traditional translators focus on conveying the beauty of music, vision, style and artistic concept of the original. 就诗歌的翻译而言,传统的译者重在传递原诗的音乐美、视像美、意境美和风格美。

21、The next in order the tour poem of Su'shi now esthetic change in verse in Song Dynasty, afresh establishment the verse appreciates beauty the norm. 其次苏轼的游览诗体现了宋诗从外拓型审美到内敛型审美的转换,重新确立了诗歌的审美规范。

22、The poem translated must be in possession of three beauties: beauty in sound, form and artistic conception. 诗歌翻译应坚持以诗译诗的基本原则,译诗应具备三美:音美,形美,意美。

23、It is a good example for his poetics-the poetry is the creation of beauty. 他认为诗歌是对美的创造。《致海伦》是诗人对美凝思的硕果。

24、It then summarizes the specific connotations of Ai's concept of "poetry as beautiful prose". 文章最后总结出艾青的“诗的散文美”的具体含义。

25、A ridge in the forties of the twentieth century poet, he is not only a "July School" on behalf of the poet, is one of the best poems reflect the aesthetics of the July School of poetry. 阿垅是二十世纪xx年代的著名诗人,他不仅是“xx月派”代表诗人之一,也是最能体现xx月派诗歌美学的诗论家。


26、As a chanter, Altai's poems, is the most splendid dedication that he offers to plateau homeland. 作为歌者,阿尔泰的诗歌,是他呈给故乡高原最精美的献词。

27、Poetic sense is poetical thinking and emotions, a kind of artistic conception that conveys the sense of aesthetic feeling expressed in verse. 诗意是诗思,诗情,是像诗里表达的那样给人以美感的意境。

28、Xinyue poets paid special attention to create the aesthetic poems. 新月派诗人特别注重诗的美的意境创造。

29、These finally caused the poetry writing to present one kind of one-sided "truth-seeking" esthetics, which led to the lack of "good" latitude in poetry writing. 这些合力最终使得诗歌写作出现了一种求真的美学倾向,这种“求真”的美学导致了诗歌写作当中“善”的纬度的缺失。

30、   9诗人创造美 The poet creats the beauty。

31、Images play an important role in Ars Poetica and they bring about the beauty of elasticity in the poem. 《诗艺》中的意象是构成诗的主旋律,赋予了诗的弹性美。

32、“I won’t tell you ,mother.”that’s what you and I would say then. 这是全文,是一首优美的赞美母爱的诗(人教版xx年级上册24课中有此诗)

33、The absence of poetic style, in consequence, would make the absence of aesthetic expressive force in Modem Chinese Poetry as well as the aesthetic impressive power to the mind of its readers. 诗体的缺失,不仅使诗人感到新诗诗体缺乏审美表现力,也使读者感到新诗诗体缺乏审美感染力。

34、So that workers in May, writing the world's most perfect lines. 让劳动者的xx月,书写出世界上最完美的诗行。

35、The eightysecond seal is that I have seen 第八十三封 最美的情诗

36、URGELLING, India-He drank wine, cavorted with women and wrote poetry that spoke of life's earthly pleasures. 他喝着酒,和女人跳着舞,写着述说生命最纯美的诗。

37、Poetry should have poetic beauty, and prose should have prosaic beauty-this is one of the basic an esthetics principles. 诗应该讲究诗美,散文应该讲究散文美,这是基本的美学原则之一。

38、Deeply impacted by German rumor and Chinese classic poem , the poet combined the beauty of poetry with his personal feeling to express his particular experience in youth . 诗人深受德国谣曲和中国古典诗词影响,以叙事诗的表现技巧,把诗的境界美、诗意美与个人化情感抒发巧妙结合,展示诗人青春时代独有的生命体验。

39、A poem lovely as a tree. 美如玉树的诗章。

40、He puts forward special category of poetic aesthetics, which becomes the best illustration of aesthetics in prosperous Tang Dynasty and important category of Chinese poetic aesthetics. 其《河岳英灵集》“序”、“集论”在“选”、“评”两方面都有重要建树。 他提出了“兴象”的诗美学范畴,成为对盛唐诗美的最好说明、阐解,也成为中国诗美学的重要范畴。

41、The opening line of Endymion is one of the best known in English poetry: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever". 《恩底弥翁》的开头一句是英文诗中最有名的诗句之一:“美的事物是永恒的快乐。”

42、singing his favorite hymn, but faint now 他吟着最喜欢的赞美诗,但此刻渐渐模糊

43、Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective method of saving things, and hence its importance. 诗歌完全是最美的,最令人印象深刻地,最广而有效的叙事方式,这就是诗歌的重要性。

44、You are my beautiful lute. 你是我美丽的诗琴。

45、The significance of poetics of Tao Yuanming's poetry is about creating a unique dilute poetry. 陶诗的诗学意义在于陶渊明创造了独特的冲淡诗美范型。

46、Dylan Thomas is one of the most prominent and most influential poets in Britain and the United States since the 1940's. 狄兰?托马斯是xx年代以来英美诗坛最重要、最有影响力的诗人之一。

47、As a child, my favorite 8)hymn was: "Weary of earth and 9)laden with my sin." 孩提时,我最喜欢的赞美诗是:“尘世可厌,重负罪孽。”

48、Like that phrase, "a terrible beauty," the poem is full of contradictions, of contradictory feelings. 就如诗句,可怕的美,惊人之美“,此诗充满矛盾,和情感的冲突。

49、It is Spenser's idealism, his love of beauty, and his exquisite melody that make him know as "the poets" poet. 正是斯宾塞的理想主义,对美的热爱和精美优雅的诗文韵律使他成为“诗人中的诗人”。

50、Yazi U. S. special, Clarins, Yun Miao these three which is the best? 雅滋美特,娇韵诗,蕴妙这三个哪个最好呢?


51、Visual beauty of poetry is very important in modern poetry. 诗的视觉美在现代诗歌中十分重要。

52、Grieved poem have the nature quality of poem which have aesthetic feeling. There are lots of sad and gentle poems in China's classical poems. 中国古典诗歌中哀婉的诗颇多,情思哀婉的诗尤具诗性的美。

53、It is Spenser's idealism, his love of beauty, and his exquisite melody that make him known as "the poets' poet." 正是斯宾塞的理想主义,对美的热爱以及精美优雅的诗文韵律是他成为“诗人中的诗人”。


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