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关于”背诵诗歌“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Recite poetry。以下是关于背诵诗歌的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Recite poetry

1、He flavored the evening with a poetry reading. 他以朗诵诗歌给夜晚增添情趣。

2、She could repeat many poems from memory at the age of five. 她xx岁时就能背诵很多首诗。

3、The children murmured as they memorized the poem. 小孩们背诵诗时发出低吟。

4、He has conned the poems by rote. 他能凭记忆背诵那一首诗。

5、Get somebody to write a little poem which my son could recite. 请人写一首能让我儿子背诵的小诗。

6、The singer pontificated some new poems at the concert. 在音乐会上,歌唱家朗诵了一些新诗。

7、When we meet, we first select (4) poems that we love, andthen read them out loud. 聚会的时候,大家首先挑选出喜爱的诗歌,然后分组朗诵这些诗歌。

8、I stood in the songs of childhood Yin, the backdrop of the poetry. 我的童年矗立在歌吟里,掩映在诗词中。

9、When I was young, she taught me, give me read tang recite some classic. 在我很小的时候,她就教我背诵唐诗,给我朗诵一些名著。

10、During banquet, we sang, and recited poetry in Mongol. 席间,我们歌唱,并用蒙语朗诵诗歌。

11、Intoning and reciting, two different ways of oral expression art, differ from the classical poems and songs. 吟诵与朗诵是不同的口头艺术表现方式,与古典诗词歌曲等都有明确的区分。

12、Please listen to poetry readings "most glorious work." 请听诗歌朗诵《劳动最光荣》。

13、Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme? 跑到一个诗歌朗诵会上问他们为什么这些诗歌都不压韵?

14、Recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant . 带乐调地吟诵;当圣歌吟诵。

15、in fact I want to use the word stitched together, because in the Ancient Greek world the people who sang, recited, created the poems of the Homeric epics were called rhapsodes, and that means stitchers of songs. 事实上,我想使用"串联"这个词,因为在古希腊,那些歌唱,朗诵,和创作《荷马史诗》的人,被称为吟诵者,就是说把诗歌串联在一起传唱

16、The label has in past years produced CDs of famous actors reciting poems composed by the late pontiff.Now, the Rev. 在最近几年里,该唱片公司制作了若干张由知名演员吟诵的诗歌唱片,这些诗文均是已故教皇保罗二世的作品。

17、Vendor's cries are tones of the peddling , calling, crying of peddlers or vendors and chanting tones of ancient poetry. 生活音调是指日常生活中叫卖、吆喝、吟诵的音调,如小贩、游商的叫卖与吆喝、古典诗词的吟诵等。

18、She recited my poems. 她吟诵我的诗。

19、Iwhispered in her ear the same poem I had recited to her sister. 我也在她的耳边吟诵了刚才和姐姐同样的诗。

20、The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare's sonnets, imitate opera stars and intone Homer's epic poems in Greek. 他刚买的鹦鹉可以背诵莎士比亚的十四行诗,模仿歌剧明星并能用希腊语吟唱荷马史诗。

21、Is a sonnet chanted by glistening waves. 是波光影调吟诵的十四行诗。

22、In college, he was known for reciting lines from epic poems such as 'The Iliad.' 在大学里,他因能背诵《伊利亚特》(The Iliad)等长篇史诗中的诗句而出了名。

23、Application for poem recital and speech contest due. 学校学务诗歌朗诵及演讲比赛报名截止。

24、Memorize one of Shakespeares love sonnets and recite it to your partner when you are in a romantic setting like a botanical garden. 背诵莎士比亚的一首爱情诗歌,并当你们在类似植物园内的浪漫环境下背诵给对方。

25、And probably the half-unconscious rhapsody was a Fetichistic utterance in a Monotheistic setting; 这种半不自觉的吟唱圣诗,也许就是在一神教背景中的一种拜物狂吟;


26、Application for poem recital and speech contest start. 学校学务诗歌朗诵及演讲比赛开始报名。

27、The recitation of a ballad, an ode, etc. 叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵。

28、Then he launched into an emotional recitation of a poem by Su Dongpo from the Song Dynasty. 然后,他开始背诵苏东坡的一段诗歌。

29、Vernacular poem deviates from Chinese traditional poems in the form, and the third generation of poem deviates in the content. “白话诗”是对中国诗歌传统形式的背离,“第三代诗”是对中国诗歌传统内容的背离。

30、I sing the moon to linger with my song; My shadow disperses as I dance along. 我吟诵诗篇,月亮伴随我徘徊,我手足舞蹈,影子便随我蹁跹。

31、When you feel rejected and alone, remember Psalm 27. 当你觉得被遗弃和孤单时,请背诵诗篇廿七篇。

32、He can recite that poem from memory. 他能凭记忆背诵那一首诗。

33、We met often during lunch break and I found something in you that was different from the rest of the girls - your passion for Chinese poetry. 你常常会喃喃自语,一开始我以为你是在小声的哼流行歌,但是,后来我发现你是在背诵一些伟大诗人的中国诗歌。你实在是很有学问,因为你认识所有的诗人还有他们的诗。

34、The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare's sonnets, imitate opera stars and intone Homer's epic poems in Greek . 他刚刚买来的鹦鹉会背诵莎士比亚的十四言诗,模拟歌剧亮星还能够用希腊语吟咏荷马史诗。

35、Haiku is an old form of Japanese poetry. Usually Haikus are about nature. 俳句是日本诗的一种古老的形式。通常俳句是吟诵自然的。

36、People are used to going to poetry readings. 人们习惯于去参加诗歌朗诵会。

37、Besides the art of criticism, his poetic creation achieved greatly and wrote poetic Selection From Muttering Building. 除了评点艺术,他的诗歌创作也颇有成就,著有《沉吟楼诗选》。

38、In cafes and pubs, small groups sing, act and read poetry. 在咖啡馆和酒吧里,还有小型的歌唱、戏剧表演和诗歌朗诵。

39、Now let's recite the poem we learned last week. Any volunteers? 现在背诵上周学的那首诗。谁自告奋勇?

40、Singers to guitar are also called bards. 歌手吉他也被称为游吟诗人。

41、A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or following a psalm, psalm verse, or canticle. 短诗,歌曲在颂歌、赞美诗或圣歌前后轮流吟诵或吟唱的礼拜仪式短诗或歌曲。

42、Sunlight filtered through the curtains. Chants from the Book of Songs filled the café. 阳光透过窗帘照进来。咖啡厅里萦绕着《诗经》的吟诵声。

43、Na: a bard huh? My father taught me that bards were underpowered . 哈,一个吟游诗人?我父亲告诉过我吟游诗人们弱得很。

44、Children's poetry is good for children to listen, recite and read. 儿童诗适合儿童倾听、吟诵和阅读。

45、Most gracious singer of the high poems! 温雅的歌手!你吟着崇高的诗篇;

46、Can someone recite it? What's the last line? 有人能够背诵这首诗吗?最后一句是什么?

47、The label has in past years produced CDs of famous actors reciting poems composed by the late pontiff. 在最近几年里,该唱片公司制作了若干张由知名演员吟诵的诗歌唱片,这些诗文均是已故教皇保罗二世的作品。

48、Each child had to recite a poem to the class. 每个孩子都得在班上背诵一首诗。

49、The wind whispers them the birds whistle them, the corn, barley, and bulrushes brassily rustle them; 风儿在哼着这些诗歌,鸟儿在唱着这些歌,谷物、大麦及芦苇在大声吟唱这些诗歌。

50、Teacher:Now let's recite the poem we learned last week. Any volunteers? 现在背诵上周学的那首诗。谁自告奋勇?


51、Learn and memorize ancient Chinese poems. 学习和背诵中国古诗。

52、The wind whispers them the birds whistle them, the corn, barley, bulrushes brassily rustle them; 风儿在哼着这些诗歌,鸟儿在唱着这些歌,谷物、大麦及芦苇在大声吟唱这些诗歌。

53、Tang poetry teaching includes three parts: appreciation teaching, chant teaching, extended application teaching. 唐诗教学包含欣赏教学、吟诵教学和延伸应用教学三部分;

54、He read the poems with cadence. 他抑扬顿挫地朗诵诗歌。

55、It is this time of year that elders talk and pass on their stories and poetry. 在这段时间里,部族的老人们会吟诵故事和诗歌,将它们传给下一代。

56、I like verse more than prose because it can be sung like music. ; 我喜欢诗歌,不喜欢散 文,因为诗歌可以像音乐 一样吟唱.

57、It is very interesting to read poems around in the class. 在班上大家轮流朗诵诗歌非常有意思。

58、Reading aloud or poetry recitation is a true artistic treat, from which we can appreciate the musical beauty of English poetry. 朗读或背诵诗歌能得到音乐美的熏陶,是一种真正的艺术享受。

59、The poetry was chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre. 诗歌吟唱时是用七弦琴伴奏的。

60、Dances and recitations of poems are performed alternately. 舞蹈、诗歌朗诵穿插表演。

61、He used to declaim French verse to us. 他过去常给我们朗诵法语诗歌。

62、Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn . 院子里,一个嘶哑的女低音在吟诵赞美诗。

63、Such a causal poetry of the great poet Li Bai has brought us into a heaven on earth. 唐代大诗人李白不经意的吟诵,把我们带进人间仙境。


标签: 八级 诗歌

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