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关于”浅谈商务的语言特点“的英语句子2个,句子主体:On the language characteristics of business。以下是关于浅谈商务的语言特点的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:On the language characteristics of business

1、More and more business people are required to speak Eglish as it is the most widely used international business language. 因为英语已经成为世界使用范围最大的国际商务语言越来越多的商务人士需要使用英语。

2、A domain-specific programming language (DSL) is a programming language designed to be useful for a specific set of tasks. 特定于领域的编程语言(DSL)是一种对特定的任务组特别有用的编程语言。

3、The majors of English, Business English and Business Japanese have been listed as the distinguished major construction programs of Nanshan University. 英语、商务英语和商务日语列入校级特色专业建设项目。

4、Being one of varieties of English, English for business correspondence has its unique grammatical features. 商务函电英语作为一种个体英语,有其独特的语法特点。

5、When adopting genre-based teaching approach in teaching business English, the teaching is concentrated on both the language and the culture. 以体裁分析法进行商务英语语篇教学的课堂中,教师的教学包含了语言和文化两大层面。

6、You should take sociolinguistics, pragmatics, syntax, semantics and business English in this semester. 你这学期应该选社会语言学。语用学。句法学。语义学和商务英语。

7、ILE is the premier online school offering instructor-led programs for learning English and English-related skills. 常春藤商务英语ILE是卓越的在线英语培训机构,专注于提供优质的商务英语和商务技能培训。

8、This passage is to discuss the lexical characteristics of Business English. 笔者将从词汇角度,略谈一下商务英语的用词特点。

9、Based on this starting point, this thesis focuses on some language and stylistic features of news English, a special style in the English language. 基于这一点,本文着重探讨了英语语言中的一个特殊语体(新闻英语)的文体特点及语言特征。

10、The popular feature of proverb suits to the oral feature of Zen books, there are manyproverbs. 谚语是民间口头流行的语言形式,谚语的通俗性特点与禅籍的口语化特征相一致。

11、Most students in these private schools take business, secretarial or English language courses. 大多数来私立学校学习的学生都修习商务、秘书或英语语言之类的课程。

12、The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) has become the de facto standard language for describing business processes and business interaction protocols. 商业流程执行语言(BPEL4WS)已经成为定义商业流程和业务交互协议的标准语言。

13、Does focus-on-form instruction promote learners'noticing of the specific linguistic form? 焦点式语言教学是否促进学习者对语言形式特征的注意?。

14、What is International Business English? 什么是国际商务英语?

15、I taught myself business English and passed the Business English Certificate (BEC) vantage and higher; 我教自己的商务英语,并通过商务英语证书(选委会)的高度和较高;

16、The first section is about the definition and the theoretical foundation of task-based language teaching. 讨论任务的内涵和特征,意在明确任务型语言教学的适用条件。

17、Business English Discourse refers to the business activities used in various official and unofficial documents, with practicality, diversity and industry-specific features. 商务英语语篇指在商务活动中使用的各种正式与非正式文件,具有实用性、多样性和行业性的特点。

18、Cambridge BEC preliminary is a examination that mainly focuses on the practical use of language skills in business-related situations: Reading, writing, listening and speaking. BEC初级主要偏重于商业上的事务场景中的英语语言实用技能的训练,也就是听、说、读、写,从而全方位提高英语水平和商业上的事务沟通能力。

19、Such a register exerts great impact on the formation of its stylistic features, namely being appropriate, accurate, courteous, clear, and concise. 这样的语域使商务英语形成了自身的文体特征,即选词恰当、精确,讲究礼貌用语,意思清晰,行文简约。

20、Through a comparative study of language input between first language acquisition and second language acquisition, some special features of natural language input have been discovered. 对比分析了第一语言习得和第二语言习得中语料输入的特点,挖掘了自然语言环境中语料输入的基本特征。

21、Q1: What kind of Business English courses does ORAL Business English and Success College offer? 问题1:奥伦商务英语学校提供哪些类型的商务英语课程呢?

22、But people's on-the-job field, the language is the tool exchanged, no language is some crowds' exclusive term, commercial English is no exception. 但人在职场,语言是交流的工具,没有哪一项语言是某些人群的专有用语,商务英语也不例外。

23、The basic characteristics of English punctuation are discussed through semantics. Then the differences between English and Chinese punctuations are presented by means of comparative linguistics. 从语义学角度探讨了英语标点法的基本特征,用比较语言学的方法分析了英、汉两种语言标点法的区别。

24、Euphemistic Expressions are a frequently used pragmatic strategy of politeness language in the international business negotiation. 委婉表达是商务谈判中一种常见的礼貌语言语用策略。

25、We also offer courses in accent correction, public speaking, and English for business. 我们也开设英语语音班、英语演讲班和商务英语班。


26、English is now the world is a language most widely, especially in the growing today, Business English is a very popular area. 英语现在在世界是一门最广的语言,特别是在日益发展的今天,商务英语是个很热门的专业。

27、Abstract: : Students majored in business English in polytechnics should acquire language competence, business skills and cross-culture communication ability. 摘要:高职商务英语专业学生需要具备良好的语言能力、熟练的商务业务能力及较强的跨文化交际能力。

28、From the lexical aspect, business English is featured by technical vocabulary, abundant abbreviations and compounds, plenty of archaisms and loanwords; 从词汇方面看,商务英语具有专业词汇,缩略语和合成词多以及大量借用古词语和外来词语的特点;

29、As a topic prominent language, Chinese is different from English in syntactic structure. 汉语属话题突出型语言,具有不同于英语主谓结构的句法特征。

30、A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism. 英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;

31、The special communicative functions of business English letters decide their uniqueness in genre. 商务英语公函的特殊交际功能决定了其体裁的特殊性。

32、Non-linguistic means simultaneously bears some kinds of linguistic functions as incidental characteristic of linguistic intercourse. 非语言手段作为言语交际时的伴随性特征并同时具有语言功能。

33、It aims to improve listening and speaking of learners at or above ILevel in Business English. 有别于传统的商务英语教学,该商务英语培训课程每一课都由相关名言引入,形式新颖;

34、The department currently has 396 on-campus students majoring in English Literature and Business English. 英语系现招有英语专业英语、商务英语等方向学生396人。

35、Business English majors may be likely to become business persons who are proficient with the language tool. 作为这一语言工具的熟练掌握者,商务英语专业学生很可能成为商务人士。

36、All these are related to language mentality and language features. 这与语言心理、语言特点有关。

37、I've receive a Business English Certificate. 我有商务英语证书。

38、ESP, different from EGP, has its own unique features on lexicon and syntax. 专门用途英语不同于普通日常英语,具有其独特的词汇,句法等语言特征。

39、Public-speaking English, from the linguistic aspect, is one of language varieties, which has distinctive linguistic features and functions. 演讲英语,作为一种重要的语言变体,有其显著而独特的语言特征和功能。

40、To write the scientific literature's English abstracts, we should pay attention to its structural feature, language characteristic and writing mode and method. 撰写科技英语论文摘要,应注意其结构特征、语言特征、写作模式和方法。

41、Expressions are a frequently used pragmatic strategy of politeness language in the international business negotiation. 委婉表达是商务谈判中一种常见的礼貌语言语用策略。

42、English is a fixed-word-order language where each phrase has a fixed position. 英语是一种“词序固定”的语言,这种语言的特点就是每个短语都有固定的位置。

43、Formulaic expressions account for the stylization of legal language, and thus constitute an obstacle to students who major in Legal English or Business English. 套语体现了法律语言程式化的特点,它常使商务英语和法律英语专业的学生感到棘手。

44、In the chapter one, discusses the language feature and language conciousness in terms of M. Asar's works. 第一章,从语言特征和语言意识两方面对莫。阿斯尔小说语言作了详细论述;

45、Besides these, it talks about the characteristics of the material of Fun with English, the task-based language teaching of writing in ordinary English class, includ. 本文旨在探索基于任务的写作类型和语言特征之间的关系,研究语言特征和二语写作质量之间的关系,并提出一些试探性的解释。

46、Research Interests: Applied Linguistics, Legal English, Business English and Foreign Trade English. 研究方向:应用语言学,法律英语,商务英语,外贸英语。

47、English is used in virtually all cross-cultural interactions, like business and tourism. In fact, there are twice as many non-native English speakers than natives! 英语作为国际语言广泛应用于商务,旅游,跨文化交流等用途。事实上,使用英语的非母语者人数是英语母语者人数的两倍。

48、It focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially on spoken English and practical business vocabulary. 它注重于听、说、读、写特别是英语口语以及使用的商务词汇。

49、Business English is English especially related to international trade. 商务英语尤指与国际贸易相联系的英语。

50、Business English has very strong application and the characteristics of function, so the study of the study of business English environment very of importance. 商务英语具有很强的应用性和实用性的特点,所以商务英语学习的学习环境就非常的重要。


51、Y. S – A stylish chamber in the business villa & delicate language classes in your flavor. 商务别墅里的时尚语言会所,您会爱上的精致语言课堂。

52、It is generally thought that business contract belongs to the frozen style, which is one of the highest formal degrees in the literary style. 它既具有商务英语特点又具有法律英语特点的语言一般而言,商务合同英语属庄重文体,即各种英语中正式程度最高的一种。

53、The task-based teaching theory is a new English teaching theory, which takes the task as the core of language teaching. 任务型教学理论是近年兴起的一种以任务为核心单位,开展英语语言教学的新型英语教学理论。

54、In view of style, we think business English language has the following features:" clearness , conciseness, correctness, consistency, courtesy, formality and completeness". 就风格而言,我们认为商务英语具有如下特征:清晰,简洁,精确,一致,谦让,形式性和完整性。

55、Analyzes the definition of English and main content of business English advertising language characteristics and translation strategy is discussed. 分析了英语的定义和主要内容,对商务英语广告的语言特点及翻译策略进行了探讨。

56、Legal English bears the name of "visual language"for its oddity and complexity. 英文法律语言因其独特的“冗余”表征,而有所谓“视觉语言”之称。

57、The thesis examines teacher code-switching in BE classroom from the perspective of the theory of linguistic adaptation. 本文从语言顺应论的角度分析研究了商务英语课堂教师英汉语码转换现象,重点探讨了其功能和顺应性。

58、Business English, Business English and English learning platform for foreign trade, English is the dominant language of world trade, so learning English is a good basis for engaging in foreign trade. 外贸英语,商务英语和外贸行业英语学习交流平台,英语是世界贸易的主流语言,所以学习好英语是从事外贸行业的基础。

59、Business English II-this class is for students who can already speak in depth on various business topics. 商务英语(二)-加入此课程前,学生已经能用英语就各种商务话题详细交谈。

60、The evident difference between English and Chinese is hypotaxis and parataxis. 语篇的形合与意合是英汉语言之间最明显的区别特征。

61、In chapter 2 we present in detail current research survey of business negotiation and pragmatic study specifies the need of a pragmatic approach to the international business negotiation. 我们将引入各种不同的语用学原则和理论作为我们的研究基础,讨论语言策略和非语言策略在南博会商务谈判中的应用。这一部分分为四个章节。

62、Business negotiation always comes to terms. The employ words are characteristic reflectes in negotiation language. 商务谈判一般总是以相互妥协而告终,而反映在谈判语言上则是以措辞折中为特色。

63、The thesis discusses the practical application of these five general language strategies in intercultural business negotiations. 本文讨论了这五种语言策略在跨文化商务谈判中的实际应用。

64、Speaking in a language the customer understands is key to good communication in any business. “以客户理解的语言同他们交谈”是任何商务交流的成功之道。

65、English is a typical stress-timed language and rhythm is one of its notable characteristics. 英语是一种典型的以重音计时的语言,节奏是英语话语的显著特点之一。

66、Business English, test preparation. I've done so many different kinds of English teaching 教商务英语,考试英语。我做过各种各样的英语教学,

67、"Quote Structures" in fiction and journalistic writings are most expressive in representing the linguistic or non-linguistic properties of spoken intercourse. 在英语小说和新闻语体中,“直引结构”是最能充分体现口语交际过程中一切与语言交际有关的语言或非语言特征的语言形式。

68、These strategies can be applied to establish business relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit by the medium of business English correspondence. 语言策略好的商务英语公函,又有利于交易双方在平等互利的基础上建立和发展商务。

69、Currently, the study of errors in business correspondence writing mainly focuses on linguistic competence, though a few scholars have taken the business context into consideration. 针对外贸英语函电写作错误的研究,目前虽有少数学者将语言研究与商务语境结合起来,但主要集中在语言能力方面。

70、A higher level of practicability and practicality features business English courses in comparison with traditional English courses. 商务英语类课程与传统的外语类课程相比,具有实用性强、实践性强等特点。

71、E-C translation of EST; functional equivalence theory; translation model; linguistic characteristics. 科技英语汉译; 功能对等理论; 翻译模式; 语言特点。

72、Front once lift, study business English is also at study English, study language of the basic technique be similar, Be just scope dissimilarity in vocabulary. 前面提过,学习商务英语也是在学习英语,学习语言的基本技巧是一样的,只是在词汇的范围上不同。

73、Do not put it too blunty. Negotiation is an cooperate art. Business negotiation always comes to terms. The employ words are characteristic reflectes in negotiation language. 要当令运用含糊言语。会谈,说到底是一门妥协地艺术。商务会谈普通老是以互相妥协而了结,而反映在会谈言语上则是以措辞折中为特征。


标签: 专业 商务 语言

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