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关于”美好的句子“的英语句子5个,句子主体:Beautiful sentences。以下是关于美好的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful sentences

1、A very large, handsome paneled library. 一个很大的,漂亮的,嵌板子的图书馆。

2、She has a lot of pretty skirts. 她有很多漂亮的裙子。

3、Once there was a very rich man. He lived in a beautiful house, and had a beautiful garden. 从前,有一位富翁,他住着漂亮的房子,还有一座美丽的花园。

4、The Lins ' house is more beautiful than the houses behind the museum. 林家的房子比博物馆后的那些房子漂亮。

5、Maggie: But honey you have a cute nose. You have a perky little button nose. 麦琪:可你的鼻子本来就很好,你有一个非常漂亮的翘鼻子。

6、The house is decorated with beautiful lanterns. 房子里装饰着漂亮的灯笼。

7、She was a tall, statuesque, rather silent woman with slow movements and magnificent fair hair. 她个子又高,长相又美,寡言少语, 动作缓慢,一头漂亮的金发。

8、She is a perty girl. 她是个漂亮的女孩子。

9、Madame Dupont porte de jolies chaussures. 杜登夫人穿着漂亮的鞋子。

10、You look great in your new dress. 你穿这条裙子真漂亮。

11、Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewels on the edges-just the right shade to wear in her beautiful hair. 多漂亮的梳子呀,纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝,恰好能配得上她那美丽的长发。

12、Annas hat is smart. 安娜的帽子漂亮而别致。

13、The best looking girls always seem to love the bad guys. 最漂亮的美眉似乎总是喜欢坏小子。

14、You look great/beautiful/wonderful in the skirt. 你穿这条裙子真好看/真漂亮。

15、Lucy appeared in her best dress. 露西穿着一套最漂亮的裙子。

16、Really? I've already opened this one. Say! This is swell! look, Mom, a billfold. 真的?我已打开了。呀!好漂亮!看,妈妈,多漂亮的皮夹子!

17、He thought about kings and princes, who were clean and decent and lived in beautiful palaces. 他想着那些干干净净的、穿得漂漂亮亮的、住在华美宫殿里的国王和王子。

18、It was a gorgeous brown and had shiny black eyes with a pink satin nose. 它长得非常漂亮,有着漂亮的褐色绒毛,明亮的黑眼睛和粉红的缎子一般光滑的鼻子。

19、My friend is a pretty girl. 我的朋友是一个漂亮的女孩子。

20、She has grown into a beautiful young lady.t 她长成一位年轻漂亮的女子。

21、The results showed that attractive males utterly defeated unattractive men, but the women who had been ranked most attractive invariably received the fewest votes. (332 words) 结果表明,漂亮男子完全击败了漂亮女子,但被排在最漂亮之列的那几名女子一律获得的票数最少。

22、' He put on his hat, and, pausing by the bed-side on his way to the door, added, 'She was a good-looking girl, too; where did she come from? 他戴上帽子, 还没走到门口,又在床边停了下来,添上了一句,“这姑娘还挺漂亮,哪儿来的?”

23、I bought a pair of shoes. They are very beautiful. They are better the old one at home. 我买了一双鞋子,他们很漂亮,这双新鞋子比家里的旧鞋子好多了。

24、Beautiful. This is really scratching my rash. 漂亮,这东西挠我的疹子挠的好舒服。

25、Oh, your house is so prettily decorated. 那好的.噢.你的房子装修得真漂亮.


26、They are as fine healthy children as ever were seen, poor little dears! 这些孩子既漂亮又健康,跟谁比都不差,好可怜的小宝贝啊!

27、Well,what about a nice, new house?'asked the Luck Fairy. “好,那么一个漂亮的新房子怎么样?” 幸运仙女问道。

28、you look great in your new dress 。 你穿这条裙子很漂亮

29、What lovely jade bracelets they are! 多漂亮的玉镯子啊!

30、Beautiful note book, expensive pen, should come out something that have the same value. I put my lips on the top of the pen, thinking about what should i continue. 漂亮的本子,昂贵的笔,至少应该堆砌出些具有相同价值的文字的。 我用上下两侧的唇抵着笔尖,思考着下面的句子应该怎样继续。

31、That is a beautiful lamp besides the table. 除桌子之外,那灯也挺漂亮的。

32、you look great/beautiful/wonderful in the skirt. 你穿这条裙子真好看/真漂亮。

33、These kinds of shoes are chicest . 这些种类的鞋子最漂亮。

34、You could also dye bits and pieces to embellish a handmade bag, a pair of flip-flops, and other spring and summer accessories. 这些漂亮的扣子可以装饰你的拼布作品了哦,比如给小包包加一个漂亮的扣子或者其他的附件!

35、We have the right to do what men do ― as long as we also take care of the children, cook a delicious dinner and look immaculate . 我们可以做男人所做的事――但前提是我们要同时照顾好孩子,能做得一手好菜,还要把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮。

36、And Notting Hill is quite nice, some beautiful houses and stuff around. 诺丁山非常美,周围有很多漂亮的房子和风景。

37、Beauty may have fair leaves, yet bitter fruit. 美丽长出漂亮白勺叶子,却生出苦辣白勺果实。

38、These houses lood nice , don't they ? 这些房子漂亮,是吧?

39、This fur cap looks good on you. 你戴这顶皮帽子真漂亮。

40、You're a nice-looking enough fellow, Charlie. 你是个蛮漂亮的小伙子,查理。

41、There are a lot of pretty skirts in the shop. 商店里有很多漂亮的裙子。

42、All right, I rebuilt, I built this tower and my wife comes home and she says !" "Look what our son built!" 好的,我重新搭好塔,我妻子回来了,她看到后说,“瞧我们儿子搭的多漂亮“

43、You could also dye bits and pieces to embellish a handmade bag a pair of flip-flops and other spring and summer accessories. 这些漂亮的扣子可以装饰你的拼布作品了哦,比如给小包包加一个漂亮的扣子或者其余的附件!

44、She is a bad-easysting girl. 她是一个漂亮女孩子。

45、She bought a chic little hat. 她买了一顶漂亮的小帽子。

46、The nice hat is my sister's. 那个漂亮的帽子是我妹妹的。

47、Well,what about a nice, new house? 好,那么一个漂亮的新房子怎么样?

48、Another one I made. If you dig out more flesh of the mellon, the basket would have a more delicate touch. 昨天做的这个更漂亮。发现把篮子里的肉肉也都挖掉的话,篮子就更精致漂亮了。

49、The beautiful house faces the sea, and offers lovely views of sunrises and sunsets. 那幢漂亮的房子面对著大海,拥有美丽的日出与日落景色。

50、In some cases, a beautiful mother turned out to give birth an ugly child, gentlemen may feel deceived when choosing a wife. 像有些例子,一个漂亮的妈妈结果却生下了不太漂亮的孩子,男士们就会感到选妻子时受了欺骗。


51、Gardenia really beautiful, I love the beauty of gardenia, and the smell of cardiopulmonary. 栀子花真漂亮,我喜欢栀子花的美丽和那沁人心肺的香味。

52、you look great in your new dress. 你穿这条裙子真漂亮。

53、Lucy has a beautiful skirt. 露西有一条漂亮的裙子。

54、On her special day, the bride wears a flowery beautiful dress with glimmering jewelry to enhance her beauty. 在新娘子出嫁的那天,她被打扮得漂漂亮亮的,穿上漂亮的花衣服,并带上闪闪发亮的珠宝。

55、When Aurora saw me, her first sentence was, "My dear, Gold Street is prettier than I imagined!" Arora见到我之后第一句话竟是:“亲爱的,金街比我想象的还要漂亮!

56、You look great in your new dress. 你穿这件新裙子真漂亮。

57、This necklace is with a heart-shape pendant. 盒子里有一条漂亮的项链。

58、I received many beautiful e-cards. 我收到了很多漂亮的电子贺卡。

59、"I want to marry the princess Badrul. I want a fine house, fine clothes, jewels and money. " The Genie did this. “我要跟巴德瑞尔结婚。我要漂亮的房子、漂亮的衣服、珠宝和许多钱。”神怪帮他办好了这些事。

60、Button button is to close fine house door, wear a beautiful hat, be equal to the housetop oneself to be decorated anew. 扣好扣子是关好屋门,戴上一顶漂亮的帽子,等于将自己的屋顶修饰一新。

61、"This manger is beautiful, " she said. “这槽子可真漂亮啊”,孩子母亲说道。

62、If you're keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. 假如你非常相要好的鹞子和出色的表演,就去买一只漂亮的,灵巧的鹞子吧。

63、The girl was wearing a saucy new hat. 那女孩戴了顶漂亮的新帽子。

64、All the girls are peacocking their beautiful skirts. 姑娘们都在炫耀自己漂亮的裙子。

65、With a voice like that you must be a very handsome creature. 你 有这样一副好嗓子,一定长得非常漂亮。

66、Her eyes, the nose is very beautiful, high black black hair, a small mouth, it looks very nice. 她的眼睛非常漂亮,鼻子高高,乌黑色的秀发,还一个小小的嘴,样子长得非常漂亮。

67、nice clothes and dresses. 还有漂亮的衣服和裙子,

68、Some had beautiful eyes, others a beautiful nose, others a beautiful mouth and figure: few, if any, had all. 有的姑娘眼睛漂亮,有的姑娘鼻子好看,有的姑娘嘴巴美观和身材秀美,但是如果说有人能够集众美于一身,那也没有几个人。

69、The old courtyard houses are very beautiful. 老四合院的房子非常漂亮。

70、What a dinky little hat! 多漂亮的小帽子!

71、nose 鼻子 She's got a beautiful petite nose. 她有个漂亮小巧的鼻子。

72、This ring is so gorgeous, I really like it! 悬赏这个戒子好漂亮,我好喜欢!

73、Mom : Right here, in that beautiful bottle. 妈妈 :就里啊,在那个漂亮的 瓶子里。

74、Madame Dupont porte de jolies chaussures. 杜邦夫人穿着漂亮的鞋子。

75、She has grown into a beautiful young lady.t 她长成一位年轻漂亮的女子。


标签: 初中

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