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Good morning, everyone. Do you think your English is very fluent and attractive. Do you think you can control your English well? Maybe you will say that it doesn't matter whether our English is good or not, but in fact you can't see that English is not a kind of evil.

If we can deal with it, it will help us a lot. It's a wonderful thing to love English, isn't it.




Dear friends, as we all know, what we eat is what we eat. Therefore, it is very important for us to develop healthy eating habits. Bad eating habits are still common among our students.

Some people often go to school without breakfast. Some people like to eat snacks, others are very picky about food, and some people eat too much or drink too much In order to keep healthy, we should have a variety of healthy diets, generally including appropriate amount of fish, meat, vegetables, fruits and staple food. Besides, we'd better eat regularly.

In my opinion, we should try to form healthy eating habits to build a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.


亲爱的朋友们,众所周知,我们吃什么就是什么,因此,养成健康的饮食习惯对我们来说是非常重要的,不良的饮食习惯在我们这些学生中仍然很常见一些人经常不吃早餐就去上学一些人喜欢吃零食另一些人对食物很挑剔,还有一些人吃太多或喝太多这些坏习惯肯定会对我们的健康造成危害 为了保持健康,我们应该有各种健康的饮食,一般包括适量的鱼、肉、蔬菜、水果以及主食。此外,我们最好有规律地进餐。在我看来,我们应该努力养成健康的饮食习惯,以建立一个强壮的身体,只有这样我们才能有足够的精力更好地学习‰谢谢。


Impromptu speeches are unexpected, so they are not prepared in advance. Some impromptu speeches are special occasions or ceremonial speeches, such as welcome, introduction and thanks. This way of speaking will usually surprise you, so it's important to think clearly, analyze the situation quickly, and briefly, when you speak, state in the following order: explain why it is important to the organization or the audience, summarize the success formula used by many speakers in impromptu speeches with some characteristics of recognized individuals or organizations.

Prepare formula P for the main idea Point I disagree with the topic r for the reason e for the example P for the main point the speaker will start with the main point and then state the reasons for talking to that point, for example, a long-term commitment to environmental issues: state the reasons clearly, and then give an example to illustrate the main point, draw a picture and engage the audience. These examples may come from your own experience, American inventors and politics Benjamin Franklin, an American inventor and politician, once said that you can use statistics or related quotations to restate the main points in different words, which strengthens the main points and gives the speech strength and coherence. When you follow this formula, both the speaker and the audience get to the point quickly.


即席演讲是出人意料的,因此没有事先准备。有些即席演讲是特殊场合或礼节性的演讲,如欢迎、介绍和致谢。这种演讲方式通常会让你感到惊讶,因此思考清楚很重要,快速分析情况,简短地说,在你讲话的时候,用以下的顺序陈述:说明为什么对组织或听众很重要,用获得认可的个人或组织的一些特征来总结许多演说家在即兴演讲中使用的成功公式准备公式P代表主要观点我不同意主题R代表原因E代表例子P代表重申要点演讲者会从要点开始,然后陈述与该点谈话的原因,例如,对环境问题的长期承诺:清楚地陈述原因,然后举出一个例子来说明主要观点,画图并让观众参与,这些例子可能来自于你自己的经历,美国发明家和政治家本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)+美国发明家和政治家+曾经说过的一句话,你可以用统计数字或相关的引语,用不同的词来重新陈述要点,这就加强了要点,给了演讲的力量和连贯性。



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