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关于”询问备考情况“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Ask about test preparation。以下是关于询问备考情况的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ask about test preparation

First of all, I chose a good topic, wrote the speech draft, and then asked the teacher to help me change it. I tried to familiarize myself with the manuscript of Yanjiang communication. I designed some speech gestures for myself during the speech.

I tried to relax myself. I was not nervous after I went to the stage, and my speech level was very good. In addition, I paid attention to wearing proper clothes and shaping the image In order to improve my image, in short, I think this is a great success.

Finally, the jury decided that I was the first one. It was great.




An excellent school art festival our school's Art Festival is held once a year. I think this year is very good, because at the beginning, many students and teachers participated in it. The students in class 1 of grade 6 danced Jiangnan style.

At that time, they were so wonderful. The English teacher had an English chorus. How good they were.

I like these two programs. Finally, the students of class 3 and grade 7 sang it. They sang very well Good pop songs.

In the end, they won the first prize.




With the new team coming, what should we prepare? My advice is: first, we should buy some pens and notebooks; second, if you live in school, you should buy some shampoo and shower water and so on. Finally, you should buy a new schoolbag and a new pair of shoes. I wish you a new start.




标签: 六年级 作文 万能 年级 情况

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