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关于”_有拖延“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:_ There are delays。以下是关于_有拖延的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:_ There are delays

Recently, there has been a new controversy: is it legal for Chinese college students to marry before they finish their studies? Some people like "yes", while others like "no". Of course, many people just can't decide which side they should take. In fact, the government allows university students to marry before they finish their studies.

There is no explicit rule forbidding students to marry, but this will definitely affect those students. I don't think it's necessary to prohibit students from getting married before they graduate from University, but this should not be advocated or encouraged, because for oncampus, if I don't think their main tasks can be successfully completed, then their main tasks may be affected.




Recently, procrastination has attracted public attention because a song describes it very appropriately. Procrastination is a kind of unnecessary behavior, which will cause adverse consequences, which is an important topic in management and psychology. In fact, most of us have some symptoms of procrastination, and in my opinion, we can get rid of it by following these suggestions.

First of all, we must recognize that procrastination is totally unnecessary. We can do a lot of things on time in most cases without any delay. Therefore, we must be determined to eliminate procrastination as much as possible.

We should find out the reasons for our procrastination so that we can take action to eliminate it gradually. But equally important, it is wise for us to consciously eliminate other interference when we are working or studying. If we can do it, such as QQ and mobile phone, we will find that it will be better to concentrate on work or study Easy, procrastination has a bad effect on our life, we should try our best to eliminate it.





My parents don't like watching TV before supper, but I don't want them to watch TV.




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