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关于”我们的目标题目“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Our goal topic。以下是关于我们的目标题目的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Our goal topic

I remember one time, when I was running rice, I felt that there seemed to be an impossible task to complete. I wanted to give up. Then my teacher told me that I should not consider rice, I should set rice for myself, so that I would not be as tired as he said.

In fact, every time I finished this small goal, I was very happy. In the end, I finished running and I learned There's a lesson: we need to set the best goal, which means we can set some small goals that are easy to achieve, and then every time we achieve that small goal, we will be close to our final destination.




My goal everyone is very good. You have a goal that you must have, instead of maybe not, because everyone has his own goal. If you really don't have one, then you don't know how to go, and the same goes for how to walk the stairs.

If you don't have a goal, you will lose it. You know the importance of the goal in our heart. I can't help but say, "the goal is to embrace There is our life.

"OK, listen to me. My goal is to be a writer. When I grow up, I want to write a good composition first.

How can I write a diary every day? But I often write a composition. My current level is not very satisfactory to me, because junior high school students write more than me, and they are ten thousand times better than me. I want to fill the oil.

They are my friends. What is your ideal Hand, heart always remember: goal = life =.




I am full of confidence in my writing goal. I don't know what year or month I should do. I know that I am too naive.

Today, I am just a spark, and I still claim to burn in front of the sun, and challenge it for a year. If I don't find out in which month, I will urge me to become rampant and chaotic in the street when I find out, passing by me One day of constant longing and training, good Samaritan, you can wake me up from my dream, or beat me black and blue. After being beaten severely, I walk aimlessly on the street without terminal line.

Maybe that month of that year, I wake up and walk there once, and I see a long road that can't be seen at night There was no trace of my walking in the daytime. I went there and saw a sign of a square eight meters long falling down. You know what? Four people were killed and five people were injured.

His son just received a letter of acceptance from Deng Xiaoping University and was going to go shopping tomorrow. Fortunately, he left. Two of them were Dr.

haver, three were Tsinghua University, and three were graduate students of Peking University Graduate students, three are students, one is about to go to university. You can see the purpose of my refuge in the world. The goal I can do is like a compass.

I left it in the forest, and my life would have been lost in that forest.




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