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关于”足球的明星介绍“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduction to football stars。以下是关于足球的明星介绍的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to football stars

Ken Burns' fourth short film gives us a clear experience of his style of fame in the civil war and baseball. The first half of the hour long show studied the design and construction of the statue of liberty through paintings, photographs and readings (Jeremy Irons designed the statue for the French sculptor fr é D é ric Auguste Bartholdi as narrator. David McCullough says no one mentions immigration in ceremonial ceremonies, but the statue becomes a towering symbol of American open policy.

The second half examines the meaning of the statue and the comments on freedom itself by author James Baldwin, director Milos foreman, politicians Barbara Jordan and Mario Cuomo. Paul de aprott's American pictorial ends with "Douglas de Simon" commentary: Director Ken Burns, on an Oscar and Emmy nominated show, shows From the creation of the French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi to her careless dedication in interviewing ordinary Americans, it reveals her deep understanding of the unique status of the statue in our hearts.


Ken Burnss的第四部短片让我们对他在南北战争和棒球运动中成名的风格有了一个清晰的体验。这个长达一小时的节目的前半部分通过绘画、照片和阅读资料来研究自由女神像的设计和建造(Jeremy Irons为法国雕塑家FrédéricAuguste Bartholdi,他设计了雕像作为叙述者大卫麦卡洛说,没有人在献礼仪式上提到移民,但雕像成为美洲开放政策的一个高耸的象征。下半部分审查了雕像的意义和自由本身的评论作者詹姆斯鲍德温,导演米洛斯福尔曼,政治家芭芭拉乔丹和马里奥库莫调子——保罗·德·阿普罗特的《美国画报》的结尾是“道格拉斯·德·西蒙”解说:导演肯伯恩斯在一个获得奥斯卡奖和艾美奖提名的节目中,展示了这位美国想象中的伟大女士的最终肖像,从法国雕塑家奥古斯特·巴托尔迪(Auguste Bartholdi)的创作,到她在采访普通美国人时的不慎奉献,揭示了她对雕像在我们心中独特地位的深刻理解。


Football is a similar team sport with similar origins, including pushing the ball into the goal area to try to score. Many of them involve kicking with feet to score. However, not all football rules regard kicking as the main means of pushing or scoring goals.

The world is a football association, more commonly known as "football" or "football". The word "football" is applicable to this word The most popular forms of football in the region include American football, Australian regular football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, rugby league, rugby league and other related games. These changes are called "codes".




It has been said that football was first played by the Aztecs of Central America, but more directly (and FIFA approved) originated from a game called Cuju (meaning kicking ball). In ancient China, leather was sewn together and filled with hair and other soft fillers, rather than air. In England, modern games are institutionalized and popularized in accordance with English.

At Eton University, modern game rules were first introduced into the British Football Association to define rules and manage other aspects of the game.




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