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关于”蜕变过程成长经历“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Transformation process and growth experience。以下是关于蜕变过程成长经历的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Transformation process and growth experience

In the 20 spring and Autumn period, although he did not simply make the gods cry, I felt the bitterness and sweetness of life in the plain life. He smiles in front of joy, weeps recklessly in front of small setbacks, grows up slowly, and no longer wants others to see whether he grows up adamantly and has his own secret, Don't talk to your mother and your best friend, we will share your little happiness, little sadness, or your "big" no longer naive, think that life is always colorful, no longer believe that life is always sunny, began to like to listen, watch and sing "seventeen year old rainy season, now, still clearly remember those lyrics in his ear: when I was a child, there were a lot of jasmine flowers at the door With a touch of sweetness, when I grow up, the jasmine in front of me has slowly withered to budding. What kind of mood is what kind of age, we have common expectations, and we have embraced each other's age and season.

We are rebellious. We have gradually formed our own values, no longer in accordance with the wishes of our parents, began to use this way to find ourselves, After 20 years of spring and Autumn period, with laughter and tears, my thoughts gradually matured. I learned not to follow the trend, learned to do one thing seriously, and learned to get used to returning home for half a year.

I no longer felt bothered by my parents. I insisted on calling my parents every Saturday night to tell me about your college life. I saw some students' diaries before and said no Tell my parents to be sad.

Now I still have some doubts. I really feel that every time, I make a phone call and say that he is very good. Even if he is very sad, he doesn't want to cry, and I don't want to go to the old man.

I just want to find a quiet corner and sit quietly.




"My father is not at home, he is a printer, he works at night" "who is at home?" Carl asked. "My mother, I think" Mr. Carr began to answer the phone.

Alfred's fear raised his voice. He wanted to show that he was not afraid of anyone. He did it every time he got sick.

This has happened many times since he left school, in which case he always speaks out loud, as he did tonight, "he said to Mr. Carr," you don't have to let people get in on it, you don't have to tell her. " Alfred tried to sound like a big boy, but deep down he was like a child.

He wanted someone in the family to help him quickly, but Mr. Carr was already talking to his mother, and he told her to come to the store quickly Alfred thought his mother would come, rushed in, and his eyes were full of anger. Maybe she would cry and push him away when he tried to explain her to her He wanted her to come quickly.

Mr. Carr called a policeman. Alfred waited, but said nothing.

Finally, they heard someone open the door in front of the closed door and said, "come in, Mrs. Higgins." his face is stern and serious. Alfred's mother came in with a friendly smile on his face and said to Carl "I'm Mrs.

Higgins, Alfred's mother." Mr. Carr was surprised by the way she came in. She was very calm, quiet and friendly, "is Alfred in trouble?" Mrs.

Higgins asked, "he took some small things from the store, such as toothpaste and lipstick, which he could easily sell," Mrs. Higgins looked at her son and said sadly, "is that it, Alfred?".


“我父亲不在家,他是一个印刷工,他晚上工作” “谁在家”卡尔问“我妈妈,我想“卡尔先生开始去接电话,阿尔弗雷德的恐惧使他提高了嗓门,他想表明他对任何人都不害怕他每次遇到麻烦时都是这样做的。自从他离开学校以后,这种情况已经发生过很多次了,在这种情况下,他总是大声说话,就像他今晚做的那样”,他对卡尔先生说:“你不必让别人插手这件事,你不必告诉她。”阿尔弗雷德试图让自己听起来像个大孩子,但内心深处他像个孩子,他希望家里有人能快点来救他,但卡尔先生已经在和他妈妈说话了,他让她赶快到店里来 阿尔弗雷德以为他的妈妈会来,冲了进来,眼睛里充满了愤怒也许她会哭着把他推开,当他试图向她解释她会让他觉得自己还很渺小时,他想让她快点过来,卡尔先生叫来一个警察阿尔弗雷德,卡尔先生等着,但什么也没说,最后他们听到有人在紧闭的门前打开门说,进来,希金斯太太“他的脸是严厉而严肃的;阿尔弗雷德的母亲进来时脸上带着友好的微笑,向卡尔先生伸出手来,礼貌地说:“我是希金斯夫人,阿尔弗雷德的母亲” 卡尔先生对她进来的方式感到惊讶,她非常平静,安静友好的“阿尔弗雷德有麻烦了吗?”希金斯太太问道:“他是他从店里拿了些小东西,比如牙膏和口红,这些东西他很容易就能卖出去,”希金斯太太看着儿子伤心地说:“是这样吗,阿尔弗雷德”。


"Yes," she asked, "I've been spending money, and I believe it's for what"; "when I'm with the kids, I think Alfred Higgins reached out and touched Mr. Carr's arm gently, as if she knew what he said, as if she didn't want to cause him any more trouble," if you'd like to listen to me before you do anything. " It was cool.

She turned her head around as if she had said too much, and then she looked at Mr. Carr with a happy smile and asked, "what do you want to do, Mr. Carr"; "I'm looking for a policeman, which is what I should do to call the police.";.




标签: 高考 英文 作文 万能 经历

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