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CP P food changes your life: soften blood vessels or reduce blood pressure diet foods such as raisins, potatoes, jujubes, hawthorn, peaches, oranges and other blood pressure control foods. Eat more foods rich in minerals. Eat less fat, corn oil, sunflower seed oil or sunflower seed oil, kelp, seaweed and other cholesterol lowering pasta can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, Auricularia auricula and rock sugar can reduce blood pressure With garlic and onion, it can reduce coronary atherosclerosis.

Mushroom dates are rich in vitamin C and P, walnut and honey are rich in vitamins. Celery leaves have a significant antihypertensive effect on preventing vascular sclerosis. What water Angelica sinensis, multi food, and garlic are almost equivalent to a dose of magnesium and calcium of meibaike celery, which can be absorbed into the body In half eggplant: complement, enhance capillary elasticity, control hypertension, have a good effect on arteriosclerosis and brain death, and can significantly reduce senile plaque, reduce the incidence of cerebral vascular thrombosis pumpkin: moistening the lung and Qi, resolving phlegm, pain, killing insects and detoxification, relieving asthma and diuresis, beauty, etc., can prevent and treat prostatic hypertrophy and arteriosclerosis, such as the gastric ulcer effect of ginger Cancer and prevention of platelet aggregation, (Chunxue causes platelet aggregation, leading to heart attack or stroke), relieve migraine, has anti-inflammatory effect.


CP P食物改变你的生活:软化血管或血压减肥食物葡萄干、土豆、大枣、山楂、桃子、橘子等控制血压的食物多吃富含矿物质的食物,少吃脂肪、玉米油、葵花籽油或葵花籽油、海带、海藻等有降胆固醇功效的面食有助于减肥,降低血压和胆固醇黑木耳和岩糖能降低血压,防止血管硬化,与大蒜、洋葱搭配食用,环境减轻冠状动脉粥样硬化蘑菇枣中含有丰富的维生素C和P,核桃蜂蜜富含维生素,芹菜叶预防血管硬化的降压效果相当明显,用什么水当归、多食、半山蒜,几乎相当于一份降压药梅白克芹菜的镁钙,可以吸收到体内半个茄子中:补体,增强毛细血管弹性,控制高血压,对动脉硬化和脑死亡有很好的作用,并能显著减少老年斑,降低脑血管血栓形成的发生率南瓜:润肺益气、化痰、百痛、杀虫解毒、止喘利尿、美容等可以防治前列腺肥大、动脉硬化,如生姜的胃溃疡作用:抗肿瘤和防止血小板聚集,(淳血导致血小板聚合,导致心脏病发作或中风缓解偏头痛,有抗炎作用。


How to have a healthy diet healthy diet is good for our health, it can make your body strong and healthy, but how to have a healthy diet in my opinion, first of all, we should eat at the right time. Disordered diet will affect the normal digestion and absorption of our body, which is not conducive to your health. Second, healthy diet refers to eating healthy food, such as various grains Food, green vegetables and fruits.

Different foods have different nutrition. In the end, our body needs it. We should not eat too much or too little, because every time we eat or diet, it is very harmful to our stomach and health.

That's what I think about a healthy diet. If we can do it, our bodies will become better and healthier. Chinese food is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world because it contains less sugar and fat, which keeps us away from obesity.

However, with the widespread distribution of McDonald's and KFC restaurants in China, many young Chinese find more and more junk food in their diet. French fries and hamburgers supplied by Western fast food restaurants are rich in sugar and fat, which has a great negative impact on our health. In order to maintain our health, we should do more exercise, keep a balanced diet is necessary, eat more fruits and vegetables, less yellow oil and chocolate.





Li Hua: Hello: I have received your letter. You have written. Now you should pay attention to reasonable diet, eat more fish, beans, meat, especially fresh fruit, and don't eat too many sweets.

Therefore, we should pay attention to physical exercise, running, swimming, mountain climbing and so on. We must ensure enough sleep time. We should not stay up late every day, only sleep for 8 hours, so that we can keep healthy.




标签: 小升初 英文 高分 作文 饮食

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