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关于”游戏利弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Pros and cons of the game。以下是关于游戏利弊的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pros and cons of the game

① Addiction (addict) quit ③ isolate it's easier the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet the following aspects can best illustrate that Internet surfers in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. The Internet provides an important opportunity to buy and sell goods, and people can get medical help or even vote on the Internet. Its advantages seem to be numerous I don't know.

However, behind these passionate conversations, there are also some problems. The Internet makes people stop passively.


① 上瘾(瘾君子) ②退出 ③孤立 ④更容易 互联网的优点和缺点 以下几个方面可以最好地说明不同国家的网络冲浪者可以分享有趣的知识和最新的信息,互联网为买卖商品提供了一个重要的机会,而且,人们可以在互联网上获得医疗帮助甚至投票,它的优势似乎数不清。然而,在这些热情洋溢的谈话背后,也存在着一些问题,互联网使人们被动地停下来。


When it comes to computer games, most people are not happy because there are so many examples that teenagers lose their way in front of computer games, so some adults don't like it or even look down on it. However, there is also a voice supported computer game. For me, I stand in the middle.

I think computer games have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, computer games are the product of high technology. They bring wonderful entertainment to human beings and make human life more colorful in human history.

In the past, people played simple and boring things. Now computer games are very interesting and play with electricity Brain games are helpful for human beings to develop their intelligence and broaden their horizons. Playing computer games requires thinking.

On the other hand, they will also be exposed to various fields of knowledge. As mentioned above, computer games are easy to be addicted to. In fact, it is a high-tech product, which can easily attract people's attention like ABC.

It is really interesting and charming. Many people, especially teenagers, are interested in it It's easy to be trapped and unable to extricate themselves. Therefore, in order to play computer games, many teenagers do not do so.

In addition, their behavior in school will destroy their future. Playing computer games has cost a lot of money to sum up. What computer games bring to today's people is good or bad.

It's just as the saying goes that every coin has two sides. We can't just use one coin To define a thing.




Computer games are good for our life in some areas, because they can help us relax. Maybe we can have fun in the game. Some people even say that they have found their true selves in the game.

They may be the best in the game. I think computer games are the product of the information age. They are very popular with young people, but playing more is not good for us.

Some people will spend more time and money in the games. This is a waste. I think it is harmful to our eyes.

Some scientists say that playing computer games can make people right. But we'd better restrain ourselves and not lose to you 。 It's fun to play properly, but being addicted to it can hurt you.




标签: 五年级 作文 真题 利弊 年级

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