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关于”减少的发生“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Reduced occurrence。以下是关于减少的发生的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reduced occurrence

In order to solve this problem, three suggestions are put forward: first, the policy of late marriage and one-to-one-child policy should be implemented to reduce the birth rate; second, the urban government must strictly control the rural population to enter the city to do business and do business. In order to reduce the pressure of population increase on the city, all kinds of manual labor are needed. Finally, more and more people suggest that shopping centers, schools, hospitals, cinemas, theaters and even the living quarters of satellite cities should be built in the suburbs or surrounding villages of cities.

If these three suggestions are well implemented, the urban population will be greatly reduced.




There are many ways to fight pollution. One way is to reduce the number of cars produced, which will reduce smoke and pollution. The other is to plant more trees, which will increase the oxygen in the air and make the environment healthier.

Pollution: dispose of garbage properly, reduce the use of pesticides, and always recycle water bottles. There is air and water on the earth. There are people on the earth Things and plants man lived on the earth millions of years ago, the earth was clean, but today, air pollution, water pollution and land pollution, people are cutting down forests, many plants, animals, birds and insects live there, people kill animals for food, their skin is polluting the land, water and air people must stop doing this, we must save the earth.




Stress is an inevitable part of our daily life. Many things, such as natural disasters, wars and deaths, will bring too much pressure to our lives. But according to psychologists, today's stress may come from some small things: taking exams, queuing up, having too many things to do in a limited time.

We all need stress to add fun to life However, excessive stress will seriously affect our physical and mental health, reduce body immunity and damage the brain. If the pressure lasts too long, it may lead to physical diseases, insomnia, headache, low back acid, ulcer, hypertension and even heart disease. It is very important to understand and deal with it.

We can try some methods. A lot of sports can reduce stress. It is very helpful to support our stress with others.

Making time for entertainment, such as listening to music, may be a good medicine. Sometimes even crying is an effective way to relieve stress.




标签: 翻译 三年级 作文 万能 年级

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