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关于”一个新闻报道“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A news report。以下是关于一个新闻报道的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A news report

The photo exhibition of Wuhan No.4 Middle School in Hubei Province held a photo exhibition in our school at the beginning of May. It was a great success. All the pictures were taken by the students themselves.

There were black and white and color photos. In our classroom life, beautiful nature, festival activities and so on, all the works were well displayed in the reading room on the third floor. Every day, a large number of students went to appreciate the advertisements Surprised to find that these photos are so wonderful that the whole picture has been selected as the best, or given an expected price, this photo exhibition really makes our life colorful.




On the evening of national day, we watch fireworks. It's October (the first is national day. October 1st is China's national day.

October is October (the first time is national day. Two of my classmates came to me to celebrate National Day on that day). My grandmother is making some watermelons to let us eat national day.

We should make full use of our time and not waste precious youth time during the national day After working in factories for several years, he decided to dust the middle school textbooks and prepare for the college entrance examination.




Ms. Lin is a rural teacher. She has been awarded a personal achievement award.

She has devoted her energy to education. She has saved money for her treatment and paid tuition fees for her former students. She helps poor students in her spare time.

Miss Lin always puts the responsibility first. We should all learn from her dedication and touching deeds.




标签: 高考 高分 作文 新闻 报道

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